Working Moms?


I have talked about “working moms” in the past, but I think it is getting to be more and more the “norm” these days isn’t it?

It’s sad that many moms have to work to make ends meet, but that’s the way it is now… so many greedy politicians make sure that their families are well taken care of, but the hell with what the American family needs.

I remember when I was a young kid going to school back in Missouri, (where it was always the man’s job to support the family and the moms stayed at home). I would come home after a long, hard day and Mom was always there to ask me how my day was. Mom listened while I told her about what I had accomplished, and what I hadn‘t. And while she listened, she’d pour me a glass of milk and place a couple of homemade cookies next to it. It was nice, and I felt love.

Later, when I was in my teens and mom started working, I’d come home to an empty house… no cookies, no milk… and I didn’t feel the love any more.

Mom and me didn’t talk much anymore either.

I’d watch TV, run around the neighborhood, try cigarettes, sample booze in the liquor cabinet, play with fire and “goof-off.” We didn’t have drugs or day care back then.

When our kids were growing up, my wife was always there when the kids came home… they too enjoyed the milk, cookies and love.

I believe our society would be much better off if moms didn’t work till AFTER the kids graduated. Problem is, it costs so much to live today.

I think Government could help a lot, STOP taxing us to death!

Quit taking our money and giving it to someone else. Take some of that money we give to other countries and give it to moms. (So they don’t have to work).

You may read “working mom studies” that say it’s all right to work, but there are horror stories about working mom families too. My hope is… that if you must be a working mom… please remember the milk, cookies, conversation and LOVE.

Tom “Road” Blair


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