Wish I’da Said That!


I just had to pass along a few things that have helped me in the past. I wish I could remember who said what and when, but anyway, maybe these will help you too.

 “Get rid of clutter; it weighs you down.” So true – I am a packrat, and my junky closet, file drawer and shop are always a cloud over my head. But when I clean any of them up and throw a bunch of junk away, I feel better. So will you!

 “Life is short; enjoy it!” I am here to tell you it goes faster and faster every year. I remember being young just a short while back, and now I am 71 years old and scared to death of death, and scared of what’s ahead if death doesn’t surprise me sooner rather than later.

 Life can change in a second: the death of a loved one, a stroke, a car accident, a heart attack, anything! Tell your loved ones and friends that you love them, because when they are gone, it’s too late.

 “Git ‘er done!” as Larry the Cable guy says. Don’t wait till you’re looking the grim reaper in the face. Do what you haven’t done but always wanted to do. Do it NOW, because if you wait till you (or your loved one) die, get cancer or fall into bad health, it just won’t be as fun, will it? 

If things are going downhill, they will change; they always do. And if things are going great, something not-so-good will happen; this is just the way life is. Always be prepared and accept the inevitable – because it is!

Remember that you have made a difference in life – good, bad or otherwise. Look around at your friends, kids, spouse, co-workers, bosses, neighbors and everyone you ever talked to, because when you have talked to someone for a moment, you have changed the course of history. Your influence will always be with them, even after you’re gone.

 When you say something hurtful to someone, they never forget it. They may forgive you, but they will never forget it, so don’t say anything hurtful – especially to someone you love.

 ANY time spent arguing or fighting is less time spent having fun, loving and enjoying life. Does anyone ever remember feeling great after winning an argument with someone they love? At the end of an argument, someone is right, someone is wrong, and both lose! What a waste of time!

 Just sing along…“Don’t Worry, Be Happy!”… LOVE, LAUGH and LIVE!

Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com

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