by Tom Blair
Why is it that when we call a company with a simple question, it takes two hours to get a two-minute answer? “Huh?” “What?” “Can you speak louder, please?” But we can’t say: “Look, Amahedrud Zorskinski, can you put someone on the phone who can communicate in ENGLISH?” I have mentioned this in earlier articles, but there’s no change in the world. Why do they insist on putting people in communications who CAN’T communicate?
Why do they tell us to “Never give out your Social Security number to anyone?” “NEVER give your Social Security number to anyone.” Try doing business with a hospital, a credit card company, social service organization, or insurance company, or to apply for a loan without using your Social Security number.
Many people planned to retire at 65, but somehow the retirement date got moved ahead, and without anyone making the announcement ahead of time or giving anyone a vote on it. Someone in our government lied years ago, and then they wonder why I don’t trust them when they want to change something? Why hasn’t the government changed since we lied so badly to the Native Americans many, many years ago?
I recently changed mortgage companies; the bank sent me a form to use the check-o-matic payment plan. They didn’t give me an account number, so I called the bank to get an account number. The first question a computer voice asked was: “Please enter your account number.” It repeated the question three times and then hung up on me. Duh!
Why is it that people often feel YOU are “un-American” when you express concern about our involvement in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or any other country? Suddenly they feel you are a non-supporter of our troops. “Wait a minute, I love my soldiers, I support them, and I worry about them! I am not a communist; I just wonder if we are doing right.” After all, my government wouldn’t lie to me… would they?
Why is it that when we call a business, a computer voice says, “Please hold, we are busy or we are experiencing more calls than normal, but we will get to you eventually.” THEN a voice insults my intelligence by saying over and over,”Your call is important, please stay on the line listening to commercials and stupid music till we feel like taking your call.” Go figure!
Is there a reasonable explanation why the dang TV & Radio commercials have to scream at me, talk so fast, and have that idiotic background music blaring so loud?
It does make sense to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but why would anyone with a brain have a problem with knowing the identity of the person voting for a national leader?
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com