Veterans Uniting

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander

United Patriotic bodies/ Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

The hills of Rollag MN were filled with sights, sounds and smells of yesteryears over Labor Day weekend. The Western Minnesota steam threshers reunion was held, and this year’s theme was recognizing military service. Area Veterans groups marched in every parade. A large assortment of military vehicles participated in the parade and were also on display. The “star” of the show was a fully functional WW2 Sherman tank that came from Steinbach Manitoba. Many Veterans got to ride in and on this piece of history. There were numerous displays from uniforms to weapons. The scaled down Vietnam wall was also on display showing those killed in action from MN, ND and SD. Live music was played by the great people of operation check six (a nonprofit whose mission is to help Veterans and first responders with PTSD through music—I could write an entire column about them) I can say the heat and dust really wore this old Infantryman out, however it was well worth it personally. To see such a wonderful group of Americans stand for our flag and cheering encouragement is always appreciated. The show ended with 1592 Veterans “signing in” Name, branch of service and years of service, that is success by any standard considering the small percentage of our population who are Veterans.

On Monday the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard hosted a 9/11 ceremony. There was a short program with a speech, rifle volley and taps. Attendance was relatively small, however the importance of remembrance takes precedence over any number. We will always remember the sacrifices of the fateful day. 9-11 is the current generations Pearl Harbor; we fought wars on terrorism abroad for 20 plus years. 9-11 united us as a country and steeled our resolve. There is a constant in our Republic, when a tragedy happens we all join together and put differences aside, 9-11 was no different. Unfortunately history often repeats itself. At the end of the Vietnam War our country was divided, weary of war and losing our youth, Saigon fell. At the end of the war in Afghanistan, we were again a nation divided and weary of war. Kabul fell. However this one was very personal for me as my daughter was at Kabul airport during the last days of American involvement. Much anxiety and sleepless nights. In conclusion why do we need a tragedy to come together?

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