Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Greetings to everyone. Spring if definitely in the air. Bring it on.
As I write this, I would like to share that we (the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard) have now gone to the ND House of representatives for some funding for our important building project. Last week (Friday) we testified before the House Government and Veterans affairs committee Chaired by Austen Schauer (who is also co-sponsoring SB2265). There were some great questions asked and answered. Our next step in the process is House Appropriations after this is voted on in the Government and Veterans affairs. Please consider contacting your representative in support of SB 2265, the really cool thing about the ND State Legislature is that you actually get to speak to the elected official, rather than representatives or staff.
Also in the news of the building project, Senator John Hoeven met with Sam Brown (undersecretary of the VA) the discussion went well with Senator Hoeven pushing for the submitted design. The proposed design is a well planned and researched model. We took input from existing cemeteries and included those ideas into our plan.
One of the concerns we heard about was flooding. This has been addressed and will not be a concern, we have a very large donation of fill that will be utilized, also the diversion is very close. As many people know the National Cemetery is itself built on high ground (fill was trucked in). We are very fortunate to have such great professionals helping with this building project, much larger than any one person or group. It will be there for generations.

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