Utility Customers to Receive

Newly Designed Utility Statements

FARGO, N.D. (Jan. 28, 2014) – Starting this week, the City of Fargo will begin sending out a newly designed utility statement that is easier to understand and includes more information for utility customers. In addition to monthly charges and usage information, the statements will include graphs showing usage from past months and comparisons to the previous month and year.

“It’s important that residents have an opportunity to review every detail about the services they are paying for and see how their usage is measuring up to the past,” stated City Auditor, Steve Sprague.

 To make the transition easier, a “How to read your new statement” guide is available online at www.cityoffargo.com/utilities.  The guide breaks down the statement section by section and can be viewed online and printed for reference at a later time. “This is another step in making sure our utility services, statements and payment options are as user friendly as possible,” noted Sprague.  Residents are encouraged to take a few minutes to look over the new bill and visit us online or call the Water Department at 241-1324 with questions.

 The first wave of statements will arrive in mailboxes this week. Depending on their billing date, some residents will not receive the new statements until their next billing cycle which is either Feb. 8 or Feb. 18.

Minnesota’s Angel Loan Fund Program

The MN Department of Employment and Economic Development is now accepting applications for the Angel Loan Fund Program. Minnesota’s Angel Loan Fund Program (ALF) provides a new funding option for businesses certified to participate in Minnesota’s Angel Tax Credit Program. Any business that has previously been certified in the Angel Tax Credit Program may apply.

Eligible Use of Funds Funds may be used by businesses with fewer than 500 employees, for start-up costs, working capital, business acquisitions and expansions, franchise financing, equipment loans, inventory financing, construction, and commercial, non-passive real estate acquisitions.

To Apply visit: http://mn.gov/deed/ssbci For More Information Contact Lisa.Dargis@state.mn.us

651-259-7446 or 800-657-3858.



The Concordia Band concludes its February Tour with a Home Concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, at the Scheels Center for the Performing Arts, Oak Grove High School, 124 North Terrace, Fargo, N.D. The concert is free and open to the public.

The Concordia Band tours regionally in the United States each winter and internationally every four years. The 2014 tour includes performances in Roseville and Eden Prairie, Minn.; Hudson, Lodi and Stevens Point, Wis.

The Concordia Band is a select group of 72 outstanding student musicians, each of whom studies privately with members of Concordia’s acclaimed music faculty. Membership represents a broad range of majors and disciplines from the campus. The ensemble has performed at state and national conventions for the Minnesota Music Educators Association, MENC: The National Association for Music Education, and the College Band Directors National Association.

Dr. Peter J. Haberman became the ninth conductor of The Concordia Band in 2012. Prior to his appointment at Concordia, Haberman held a similar position as director of bands at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire where he conducted the Wind Symphony, taught courses in conducting and repertoire, supervised student teachers, and was music director of the Chippewa Valley Youth Symphony.

Citizens reminded to keep

fire hydrants clear of snow

FARGO, N.D. (Jan. 27, 2014) – The recent weather event has caused many of the fire hydrants in Fargo to become buried under snow.  Please remember that you are responsible for keeping your fire hydrant accessible; clear out an area three feet in all directions around your fire hydrant.  This space is necessary to connect the proper appliances and hose lines needed to combat a working fire.  A buried hydrant will cause the fire department to waste precious time clearing snow while a fire continues to burn and grow out of control.

 The Fargo Fire Department reminds citizens that a fire hydrant provides protection to the entire block and encourages citizens to pitch in and help elderly or disabled neighbors maintain their hydrants.

Poster Contest Helps Promote Heart Health

North Dakota youth will have a chance to demonstrate their creativity and knowledge of heart health in this spring’s “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” Poster contest.
The contest is open to North Dakota youth ages 8 to 19 as of Sept. 1, 2013. Posters will be judged in two age divisions: preteen (ages 8 to 12) and teen (ages 13 to 19).

The North Dakota State University Extension Service, NDSU Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development and the North Dakota Academy of Dietetics are sponsoring the contest.

The posters should educate and promote the idea of living a heart-healthy lifestyle. The posters also should inform North Dakota youth and adults about the importance of healthful food choices and regular physical activity to heart health.

This year’s posters must be centered on a theme that directly relates to eating healthful foods and playing hard to promote heart health. This could include the importance of taking part in 60 minutes of physical activity each day or eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

To learn more about this topic, visit the following websites: http://www.ndsu.edu/eatsmart, http://www.choosemyplate.gov and http://www.heart.org.
“We hope this activity empowers our young North Dakota citizens with an opportunity to promote healthful eating and physical activity among their friends and families,” says Julie Garden-Robinson, NDSU Extension food and nutrition specialist.

Posters will be judged on their general appearance and how well they present messages about nutrition and/or fitness and the importance of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Winners in both age divisions will receive $50 for first place, $35 for second place and $15 for third place. All entrants will receive a certificate of recognition and a small prize. “Children are remarkably creative, so this is an opportunity for them to use their artistic skills with a health promoting message,” Garden-Robinson says.

Entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2014. They should be dropped off at the Center for 4-H Youth Development or mailed to the Center for 4-H Youth Development, Attn: Eat Smart. Play Hard. Poster Contest Entry, 219 FLC, NDSU Dept. 7280, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050.
Contest rules are available at http://tinyurl.com/esphcontestrules. The entry form is at http://tinyurl.com/esphentryform.

“Eat Smart. Play Hard.” is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service initiative that focuses on making America’s children healthier. It provides practical suggestions to help children and their caregivers eat a healthful diet and be physically active.

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