

It is totally unbelievable how our government functions, isn’t it? We all shake our heads at what goes on, threaten to oust every politician in office – but life goes on and so does political stupidity.
 We watch the increase in crime and violence on the streets of our cities all across the United States. We see women and children abused, drugs increasing and pouring across our borders, and the politicians on national news hardly mention any of this in their speeches.
 They constantly talk about the economy, but they don’t tell us what they plan on doing about it… just that they are going to do something… IF ELECTED. Where in the hell is the plan? We have elections coming up and there is NO ONE with a CREDIBLE PLAN!
 Courts in the US are bogged down with thousands and thousands of child abuse cases, and there are not enough investigators to take care of all the investigations, but we continue to spend billions on our “war machine” and sticking our troops in over a hundred countries, all in the name of “our freedom” and “national security.” I sometimes wonder if war isn’t just a “necessary part of our financial and political well being.”
 There was a time when immigrants came to America for the opportunity to work, raise a family and have a great life. Now we have thousands of
immigrants (legal and illegal) coming to the United States for handouts of free lunches, medical care, education and welfare.
 What research I did led me to believe that illegal immigration alone costs us taxpayers anywhere from $113 billion a year to $300 billion a year.Political candidates don’t even touch that on national TV, do they?Wouldn’t that help to create jobs, drug rehab centers, and abuse investigators?
 The U.S. spends more on defense than anything else, including Social Security or Medicare. Why? Maybe because we piss everybody off and need
a lot of troops.
 The federal government has a future budget of $851 billion for security spending. If there were no need for defense spending, the budget deficit would be reduced to a mere $50 billion. (Chicken feed!)
 I guess the point I am getting at is… we have a lot of problems here in America, and our leaders and those who are trying to become our leaders are not addressing the REAL issues that are affecting us.
 Most people don’t realize that our drug addiction is costing us our country. I believe that crap that comes across our borders is responsible for more crime
than anything else – for tons of joblessness, broken families, murders, robberies, burglaries, assaults, prostitution, sex crimes and the list goes on and on.
 Yes, it’s horrible what atrocities are happening in some of the countries in the world. But we must look out for our own security and well being. As soon as we get on our feet, we’ll send tractors, planters and seeds to them…not planes, tanks, and troops.
We the people would elect Elmer Fudd or Alfred E. Newman to the office of president, if he would just address the problems, give us solutions
and do something about them.
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com

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