Truly Honored

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

I just returned home from a very special event.
There were crowds of cheering patriots, a band playing, flags as far as you could see, honor guards in full uniform and TV cameras everywhere.
We were all there for a very special group- The Veterans chosen to go on the honor flight. They left early Sunday and returned Tuesday evening. After a whirlwind tour of our nations capital, where monuments are erected in their honor, for their service to our great country. A small token of thanks for these men and women who may have a little gray and maybe a hard time walking. But the looks on their faces is priceless. The welcome home is a sight to see. Hundreds of people holding signs and waving flags. It brings many to tears. Such an incredible spectacle. All made possible by donations and a crew of superb volunteers.
The timing for this was perfect in my opinion. Because this coming weekend is Memorial Day, a day set aside specifically to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. While many consider it the start of summer it is a solemn day of remembrance. If you are able, attend a ceremony. It will truly leave a lasting impression on you. If you can’t because of prior commitments, I ask that you take a moment or two to remember what this holiday is and why you are able to enjoy the lifestyle this great country offers. It would not be possible if it were not for those who gave their all for you. There are ceremonies being held all over the area, find one.
For the second year the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard in conjunction with Maple
Sheyenne church are hosting a picnic and music event. A celebration of sacrifice. Hotdogs, beans chips etc… Plus great live music by Operation check six. Starts at 6:00pm and we will have a short program then music. Come on out. The Maple Sheyenne Church is located directly next to the Fargo National Cemetery. Follow your nose to the smell of grilled hotdogs cooked to perfection.

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