The Little Boy and the Puppy

One day last month, a little 4 year old boy who was being baby-sat by a young girl, wandered next door to play with a puppy named Mickey in the neighbor’s yard. It might have been fun, except it turned out to be a nightmare for the boy and the puppy, because the puppy was a full-grown Pit Bull with a bone in front of him.

The little boy picked up the bone, the Pit Bull growled and according to witnesses, the boy dropped the bone turned around and started back home. It was then that the boy was viciously attacked by the dog and will be forever disfigured and emotionally affected.

It happens often, but this story recently got national press recognition, because there have been thousands of people world-wide, protesting the fact that an innocent dog was going to be put down for his attack.

After all, the puppy was only doing what was natural for him to do… protect his food.

Just this week, a judge decided to save the dog. That’s right… the judge said he will be neutered, his teeth ground down and he will live out his life in a sanctuary.

Poor Mickey, (the dog) even a Facebook page to save him generated over 42,000 hits. I’m sorry, I don’t even know the poor little boys name… he doesn’t have a worldwide publicity page and the press hasn’t given him much publicity these days.

As I understand, the dog was chained up with a long chain in his owner’s yard, which was not fenced in. Therefore, it was the child’s fault; according to the dog lovers of the world… no it was the baby sitter’s fault according to many opinion writers and talk show hosts. Of course, many blamed the parents of the four year old boy for stooping so low and having a babysitter in the first place.

There are some who have made statements like, “If it would have MY dog, I’d a shot it myself.” I lean that direction myself, but if I had a Pit Bull in my yard, I’d have a 10 foot fence around it and signs posted by the locked gate.

Now that the dog lovers of the world have saved Mickey and providing they don’t start a protest over him being neutered and defanged… just MAYBE, some people will start thinking of poor little “What’s his name?” in the hospital, who was so viciously attacked and send a couple bucks to help with his many years of reconstructive surgery. The attack was a month ago and little Kevin Vicente (the four year old) is still in a hospital somewhere around Phoenix, sucking food through a straw).

Sure I love dogs, but I prefer kids most.

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