
Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

A week out from Veterans Day and I’m still grateful for the support from businesses. Myself and a few buddies stepped out and enjoyed free food and comradery. Its pretty amazing how large the military community is and how small. Running into people you served with in the eighties and in the two thousands and the stories you have with each one. It’s truly great to see those people and have that connection.
A big congratulations goes out to our Clay County Veterans officer Curt Cannon who was the recent recipient of the City of Moorhead’s MoorHeart Award. They have a bench of great players there. Jennifer, Kim and recently retired Bonnie. They do the Veterans and their families of Clay County a tremendous service.
Thanks to the Minnesota American Legion. They recently brought Resolution 177 at the National Convention. 177 the resolution calls for the Veterans Administration, Veterans Affairs and the FDA to investigate the Anthrax vaccine and its harmful effects.
Minnesota American Legion has taken the lead on researching Anthrax Vaccine. The Auxiliary has funded research through the U of M. Thanks to Ray Kane for authoring the resolution and seeing it passed.
Anthrax was given to most Gulf War service members. Thousands of civilians also took the shot, after Anthrax was mailed throughout Washington DC.
Anthrax is one of the dirtiest Vaccines. The shot is administered by getting 6 doses in two weeks additionally more can be given, 6 weeks, 6 months and 1 year. Yearly boosters are recommended. I’ve had a series of Anthrax shots and can testify my body has not been the same.
Anthrax has been linked to Gulf War Illness or GWI. GWI has multiple symptoms including fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, memory problems, skin rashes, and shortness of breath.
Anthrax vaccine has far too long been linked to many illnesses and needs to be researched further.

Thanks American Legion for keeping up the good fight.

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