“Thank you for your service”

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Fall is in the air and winter is around the corner. I bought an 8ft snow blower for the back of my tractor, so now we will have another snowless winter. You are welcome, lol.
As November approaches so does our sacred holiday Veterans day, originally called armistice day, as on the 11th hour, 11th day of the 11th month signaled the end of world War one, the “war to end all wars”.
There is always some confusion regarding this holiday. It is to celebrate the living. Memorial Day honors our nation’s dead. So while we have ceremonies through out the country, you won’t see all the cemeteries adorned with American flags on all the grave stones. It is a celebration of life and service. This year’s program will be at the Fargo Air museum. We will feature the Red River Valley Veterans concert band and also our guest speaker is a combat wounded Marine Veterans. If you are able please come and se the program. Our program was fully organized by our local Vietnam Veterans of America organization. I really can’t thank them enough for doing this.
Speaking of Vietnam veterans. I recently spoke to one of our members of the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard who had served in Vietnam. He told me for many many years nobody even knew he had served in any branch of the military. You see during and after Vietnam these men and women were blamed for the war. They were treated terribly from many of their fellow countrymen and women. People who needed somebody to blame, yet never stood a day in uniform. They, “the Vietnam Veterans” said never again and they launched a campaign of supporting men and women in uniform that still stands strong as ever today. I cannot thank this group enough for what they endured and ultimately changed for our armed forces. So for this Veterans Day a simple “thank you for your service” is great, and to our Vietnam Veterans, WELCOME HOME!!!!!

Thank you and god bless our great Republic.

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