Support the USO

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

If you looking for some fun Friday, Theta Chi Fraternity at NDSU is having a haunted house. Their address is 1307 N. University Drive. Admission is $7 for veterans, $10 others. All proceeds are going to the USO.
I’ve never heard of Theta Chi Fraternity and was very impressed learning about all they do. The Theta Chi are the 2nd largest donator to the USO, the NFL is first. These gentlemen really stepped up to do some good. See below if you’d care to help them out.
USO (United Service Organization) has been around since 1941. They brought Bob Hope over for comedy shows overseas. Korea,Vietnam and points in between. They are still bringing celebrities, athletes and other notables to bases even during peacetime. The USO often supports airport lounges found at larger airports. Service members and their families can grab a much needed break.
Recalling my own USO experiences. Legends of Aerospace in 2010. David Hartman former Good Morning America host, Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernan, Jim Lovell, Robert Gilliand and Steve Ritchie. They did a 15 base tour and luckily my base was one. I was lucky to get a seat. I worked 19 hours to have my shift covered and dead tired. They spoke for three hours and I felt wide awake. We were able to do a handshake and smile with them. I grabbed signed photos of several of them including Armstrong. I was up over 24 hours at this point. The firsthand stories combined with meeting these giants of history caused me no to sleep. The experience is one I’ll never forget and was a once in a lifetime chance. Brought to us by the USO.
Kid Rock is another encounter. I came in same night as he played. It was early morning my first day, I was getting familiar with the area I’d be working. A mass of humanity was moving towards me, a mix of military and civilians. As they closed in I recognized Kid. I yelled “Hey Kid”! He waved and yelled back if I caught the show. I told him I just got in. Hey yelled at someone in his entourage to give him a shirt. A gentleman with a box ran over to me and asked my size, 2XXL. He could not find my size. I asked for two mediums, one for each of my daughters. They got Kid Rock Middle East tour shirts and I got a cool story. Thanks again USO!
I’ll save my Gary Sinise story for later, again courtesy of the USO.

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