Suicide/JD and dogs

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

The Veterans community suffered a gut punch this week. Jon Darling or JD, died in an ATV accident. JD was an athletic trainer in the area for many years. He was heavily involved in Special Olympics and received many awards for his profession. JD was a member of the ND Army National Guard over 20 years and deployed to Iraq. I’m told his humor and demeanor brought calm to chaotic situations. The kind of guy you’d want around. He epitomized the word mentor, good guy, and would make people rethink their perception of veterans.

September is suicide awareness month. Rick Kuhn my friend and tireless Veterans advocate passed a year ago. In his honor Heroes Compass is holding a 2.2 mile walk.

On 9:22 AM on 9/22/23 join us in a walk to remember. We will be walking from the Percy Godwin Park in Fargo, ND and ending at the Fargo VFW Post 762 Downtown.

This is the second annual event of walking 2.2 miles to help raise awareness to the 22 Veterans that commit suicide each day. Hope to see you all there.

CVMA 42-2 recently donated a sizable donation to PADs. PADs or Patriot Assistance Dogs provide service dogs to military members. I’ve personally seen the impact these dogs can have on people. Over 80% of the dogs they utilize are rescue dogs. PADs is based in Detroit Lakes.

Please consider them for a look.

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