Social media wildfire

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

As many of you know, I do volunteer work with many organizations. One of them is the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard. The Honor Guard performs burial duties at the Fargo National Cemetery.
We sometimes come across a veteran that has no next of kin (NOK). Sadly this happens far too often. When it does we reach out on social media for people to honor the unclaimed veteran. We even sometimes ask for fellow veterans to step in and be pallbearers.
Recently this happened with a veteran whose funeral was on December 13th. I posted we were looking for family members and needed pallbearers. Almost immediately people were calling with NOK leads. I received a call at 1am with family information. 7am Chris Larson, Scott Hennens producer called and wanted information, KVLY picked it up too.
I received calls from Otter Tail, Omaha, Grand Forks and even South Texas. This is within a 14 hour span.
It’s very overwhelming the support veterans receive in this area.
It also serves as a reminder how social media can be like a dam break. Except for water in its place we have information.
Information as water is a very powerful force. Its use should be thought out.
In the case of our unclaimed veteran it was an unbelievable case of good.
I was told once “If you don’t want it on a billboard, don’t put it on social media.” Social media is a permanent presence now. I believe what’s posted on social media now will be around longer than the pyramids of Egypt.
Our values and beliefs over time change. Age, kids, love, death, money, friends, pets and other personal experiences mold us daily.
I strongly urge the younger folks with platforms be careful what you post. I cannot imagine what I may have posted as a 20 something year old. I don’t think the 57 year old Tom would’ve approved.
Recalling military supervisors that would throw the book at young troops. Typically for partying to much the night before. I’d always be the guy telling the supervisors “you weren’t 21 once?”
Alas a hangover can be slept off and cured. A poor social media post cannot be.
Once again, thanks to this community for the incredible response for our veterans.

Send your veteran-related items to me at

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