Scandinavian LOFT wins downtown corner

Moorhead’s City Council Monday night approved a new downtown mixed-use building at Eighth Street and Main Avenue that is unlike anything else in town. It was a deliberate action in creating a vibrant community hub.

The modern Scandinavian inspired design and name LOFT, meaning to rise up or elevate in Norwegian, is done to honor the heritage of the community and inspire a theme for Downtown Moorhead of either more Scandinavian influenced projects or projects that bring in architectural characteristics and names from other nationalities, Matt Baasch of Five Stone Development said.

“It’s really an attempt to create a seamless downtown community with Fargo, yet keep a unique character in Moorhead,” Baasch, one of the principals for Five Stone Development said.

“We are so excited to have the chance to build a project that can serve the community for generations.” The development’s other principal is Todd Berning.

“The second floor tenant is the corporate offices of Eventide. We will have about 10,000 square feet available on the main floor as well as around 12 third and fourth floor apartments and some underground parking,” Baasch said.

“We’re sharing the vision with the city, partnering with the city and community,” Baasch said.

They will also share a new parking lot with the Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine. The church has been a parish since 1875 with the building, designed by architect Cass Gilbert, built in 1899.

Cindy Graffeo, Economic Development Director, said the corner is the second busiest in Moorhead. She called the new LOFT a flagship for downtown development. “This is what our downtown can be,” she said.

The city acquired the former 104 and 108 8th St. S. properties to enable roadway reconstruction. Graffeo worked with the Peer Review Committee on the two proposals that came forward. The committee determined the dedicated entire first floor of commercial space, dedicated second floor of office space with a secured tenant, and the parcel assemblage with additional ingress/egress for the project were unchallenged advantages for Five Stone Development.

The Council authorized negotiation of the terms of a Development Assistance Agreement with Five Stone Development, which will be considered and approved no later than July 24.

Council member Heidi Durand asked Graffeo in an earlier communication and at the council meeting about the ratio of commercial space to housing. Graffeo said the Peer Committee and other stakeholders believe the mixed-use concept can create “the true heart of downtown.”

Moorhead has several housing projects in process. More multi-family housing and affordable housing will fill in what Graffeo calls the doughnut. Downtown itself is the middle of the doughnut surrounded by mixed-use development and more housing as the outer doughnut develops.

“Thank you – this plants the seeds of vitality and connectivity we need,” Brenda Elmer, council member, said.

Council member Steve Gehrtz did not attend Monday’s meeting. He earlier recused himself from voting on the agenda item. He owns a local construction company.

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