Scalloped Potatoes

Quantity cooking has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks; as I am trying to get myself in the mindset for my month to be on the serving committee at church. I do not care for dehydrated potatoes to make scalloped potatoes but I know the boxed potatoes save on labor of having to peel potatoes for so many. If you like them, so be it. I think they taste like the cardboard box. I will peel the potatoes, thank you! The following recipe will serve about fifty people and takes about 2 hours to bake. The baking time can vary however, depending on the variety of potatoes that are used.

Scalloped Potatoes

20 Pounds of potatoes, sliced thin

1 Tablespoon salt

1 Teaspoon pepper

1/2 Cup flour

1 1/2 Cups butter

2 Quarts whole milk

1 Cup grated cheese

Grease 8 quart roaster pan and layer potatoes in pan. Sprinkle with flour, cheese, salt and pepper to taste, dot layers with butter. Continue layering until 3/4 full. Pour scalded milk over all and bake covered at 350 for 2 hours or until done. Makes 50 servings

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