Quilts of Valor

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

With this recent cold snap and certainly more to follow what could be better than a quilt? It’s a pleasure to shine some warmth on a ground that has warmed so many veterans with quilts. Recently I interviewed them.

How did the group start, and how long have they been around here?
Quilts of Valor was formed in 2003 by Catherine Roberts whose son was deployed to Iraq. The very first QOV was awarded in November of 2003 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center to a young soldier from Minnesota. The Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF) now has groups in all 50 states and has honored over 400,000 veterans and service members with Quilts of Valor.
Lori Loff, a local quilter, heard of the QOVF and believing in their mission to cover all veterans and service members touched by war with a Quilt of Valor, she visited with a few other local ladies to form our group, the Red River Quilters, in 2018.

How many members do you have?
We currently have 13 members, including some who don’t sew, because the process to award a quilt involves more than sewing alone.

How many quilts do you give out yearly, and how many since the group started?
We have honored 330+ veterans and service members since we formed, averaging 50 quilts per year.

What’s the biggest takeaway or satisfaction of doing this?
Each quilt we award unequivocally says “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation” and “Welcome home”. Our hope is that each of our quilts bring comfort and warmth to every man and woman we award.
Many veterans, especially those who served in Vietnam, will say it means a lot to them to be recognized and honored for their service because they have never, even once, been thanked before…and because it means something to them, it means something to us.

How do people nominate for a quilt?
Visit QOVF.org and click on the red banner ‘Nominations & Awards’ to nominate a veteran or service member, touched by war living anywhere in the US for a Quilt of Valor.

Are you a nonprofit and how can people donate?
We are a 501(c) (3) not for profit foundation. Anyone wishing to make a donation may visit QOVF.org, and click on the red banner ‘Donate’; to make a donation to Red River Quilters please use our group number, 57408.

See their work on Facebook: Red River Quilters, Quilts of Valor Foundation.
On behalf of the Veteran community thanks to QOV for thinking about us.

Send you veteran-related items to me at 11btwk@gmail.com.

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