by Tom Blair
I would normally be writing about a variety of subjects, but nothing is more “in the news” and more important than what may be happening to our second amendment.
We defend our president with guns, we defend our congressmen with guns, we defend our governors with guns, we defend our office buildings with guns, we defend our factories with guns, and we defend our courts and government buildings with guns.
We defend our schools and colleges with a sign that reads: “THIS IS A GUN FREE ZONE” and then we call someone with a gun when there is an emergency.
It is NOT about being Republican or Democrat, it’s not about having a 10- or 20-round magazine, and it’s not about losing the right to sell a gun to your brother or son-in-law without registration. It’s about allowing the government to interpret (or change) the meaning of ANY of our constitutional rights.
If all of these proposed gun law changes are allowed to take place, drug dealers, bank robbers and mass shooters will continue using Ar-15’s and AK-47’s with high-capacity magazines. They will buy them on the black market, steal them or smuggle them in, but rest assured, they will have them and they will use them.
Look at any country or city where even TOTAL gun bans are in effect… high crime. Chicago, LA, New York… and look at the thousands murdered in Mexico. But again, it’s not the issue of guns alone, or duck hunting or sport & target shooting – it’s about dismantling our right to own & bear arms to protect ourselves. Why then should police a police officer have a Glock 17 with a 17-round magazine? After all, no one else will have a high-capacity magazine… or will they?
Police officers are not the only citizens who may have to face multiple attackers or an attacker with a 15- to 20-round magazine.
Several countries would love to invade the U.S.A. but the fact is, they would have to take America one house or one farm at a time. The same goes for the home invaders, robbers, rapists and drug cartel people. Guns made America free and guns will keep us free.
If we don’t let our leaders know how we feel, we will lose more than the 2nd Amendment. CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: it’s easy!
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Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com