Post Veterans Day

veteran’s corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

Greetings one and all. Veterans Day was here and gone. Much thanks to Larry Nicholson and his fellow Vietnam Veterans of America. The local VVA chapter along with the Fargo Air Museum always puts together a great program. We appreciate the hard work they put into it. They had speakers, bagpipers, music and a couple of ceremonies. Just the atmosphere of the Fargo Air Museum with all its history really makes any event better.

All the other service organizations had events going on. I hope many of you had a chance to get out and celebrate.

One thing I’ve never gotten used to is being thanked for my service. I’m very honored and feel grateful for every thank you, but it still feels like a new pair of shoes. I feel SO fortunate to have been able to serve this great country. Have you ever noticed the ones that complain the loudest about this country are the ones seldom doing anything to make it better? Yes, you cannot fix everything but you can fix your own sphere of life.

We veterans are very fortunate to live in this area.

As many know Veterans Day is always on the 11th of November. Ceremonies are conducted at 11am. This signifies the WW1 peace agreement being signed ending that conflict. An estimated 40,000,000-50,000,000 died in this conflict. 5,800,000 Poles died which was 20% of Poland’s pre -war population. WW1 is the first war with modern weapons being introduced on scale. Aircraft, tanks, machine guns, advanced artillery to name a few. The modern weapons combined with old tactics and very unsanitary conditions made it a breeding ground for death. History shows we have not learned.

The FM Legion Riders and the Fargo Memorial Honor Guard are hosting Blind Joe. The Rockin Old School Country Rebel will take place at the American Legion on November 26th, money raised will benefit the Honor Guard.

Mark your calendars December 4th for another Legion Rider breakfast, benefiting the Golden Drive Homeless Kids. Come in and meet these dynamic groups and have some great food. 

Condolences to my fellow veteran and friend Dan and his family on the loss of his wife and their mother. 

Congratulations to the VFW post 762 in downtown Fargo. They’ve just celebrated 90 years as a post, a very incredible milestone. The VFW was formed in 1899 after the Spanish-American war. It’s the oldest and largest Veterans organization in the country.

Wayne Krueger was elected 5th District Amvets commander. The 5th district covers the entire central US. He has been active in the Honor Guard and served in many other AMVETS positions. Thanks Wayne!

Hard to believe but I’m still getting emails from people regarding Stolen Valor. I heard about a gentleman that was a service officer, was caught stealing, fired. Said person is obtaining a service dog, 40k is the cost to train a service dog. This guy looked like a soup sandwich in his uniform. It is mind blowing to me, the nerve.


Anything veteran related contact me at 

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