Pizza Hot Dish

It is getting very difficult to come up with what I would call “good” and easy recipes. If any of you readers would want to share some with me, I would appreciate hearing from you. This recipe came from my daughter a few years back and is very tasty. As I am writing this column on Sunday afternoon, I plan to prepare this for our Sunday night supper. I do not have any Cheddar cheese soup on hand, so I will just use some shredded Cheddar cheese with a little extra milk in addition to the Mozzarella cheese. Improvising in a recipe was a must when we were on the farm, as the grocery store was not just around the corner as it is now when we are living in town. I could go to the store but I am just too lazy!

Pizza Hot Dish

1-2 Pounds lean hamburger

1 Small onion, diced

8-10 Potatoes, sliced or enough to cover bottom of 9 x 13 pan

1 Can Cheddar cheese soup

1 Can milk

2 Cans tomato soup

1 Package sliced pepperoni (8 oz.)

1 8 ounce package Mozzarella cheese

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 1/2 Teaspoons oregano

Brown hamburger with onion, add tomato soup, sugar and oregano. While hamburger is cooking, slice potatoes very thinly and layer in 9 x 13 pan. Mix cheddar soup mix with the milk and pour over the potatoes; then layer the hamburger mixture over all. Layer pepperoni slices evenly over the top. Bake 375 degrees for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until potatoes are done. Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese on top for the last 5 minutes. Enjoy!

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