Halloween is just around the corner on Village Green Drive, where this family is ready to welcome trick-or-treaters with a scare. (Photo/Nancy Hanson.)
Moorhead youngsters and their parents picked out their preferred pumpkins Tuesday afternoon at Memorial Park. The Moorhead Parks and Recreation Department invited them to choose an orange orb, providing paints to help create original Jack-O-lantern art. Afterward, they can submit photos of their finished creation to compete for prizes. Entries may be emailed to parkandrec@moorheadmn.gov.
Parks and Rec is also looking for businesses, organizations and individuals to host trick-or-treaters at the Monster Mash Trunk-n-Treat it’s hosting on Halloween in the Center Mall parking ramp. Participants can decorate a vehicle, dress up in their best witchy or ghoulish style, and distribute candy to kids that evening. Activities and a photo station are also planned. To sign up, register at cityofmoorhead.com and search “Monster Mash.”