by Bob Harris
Panhandlers, beggars, bums, etc. seem to be out anytime and in any kind of weather. I realize there are people in need, people in need of shelter and those that need a meal. But these guys that stand at busy intersections on the F-M’s busiest roadways are giving those truly in need, a black eye. Let meal tell you what I mean.
13th Ave. near West Fargo, I have a regular commitment every Sunday afternoon at 1pm. It’s a busy part of town, a lot of restaurants and malls to shop. Some guy with a sign that reads “Hungry, Homeless, Anything will help.” The last two times I passed this corner, he was taking a long drag on a cigarette. Now, I don’t smoke but I think a pack of cigarettes is going to set you back at least five bucks. Are you really hungry sir or just in need of some more cancer sticks??
And daring! After a long hard night of Karaoke, I stopped into one of the area convenience stores and was almost immediately approached by a young man asking me for some money so he could buy some smokes. I paid my tab and showed him I now had an empty wallet. But he stood there and moaned and whined. I left feeling sorry for the clerk who I’m sure was ready to call the cops.
A couple of years ago I saw a man being dropped off at a corner on 13th, just south of I-29. That’s right, dropped off as in ‘getting out of a car’. The trouble was, I knew this guy! He may not have been the richest man in the world, but he certainly wasn’t homeless and in by no means hungry. He saw me drive by and I haven’t seen him since.
Some panhandlers are accompanied by their pet, always a dog. I have a dear friend who loves animals and has a number of cats and dogs. She pulled over to this guy after doing some grocery shopping. She dug in her plastic bags and offered the man a couple of cans of dog food for his companion and received not, ‘a thank you’, but a “are you kidding?”
By the way, there must be a panhandler school for sign design. I swear they all spell “embarrassed” the same way “embarest” or “embarrest.”
There was one time however that honesty was the best policy. For a second. I was doing a remote broadcast from a downtown Fargo liquor establishment when a man approached me and a couple of patrons asking for money and he came right out and said he wanted to buy a pint of liquor. One of these folks right away said sure and with that gave the man some cash and he immediately went to the checkout counter and bought his booze. He headed outside to the back of the building to enjoy his luck and quench his so-called thirst. Well his luck didn’t last too long. We heard a breaking of glass and every curse word in the book. He let the bottle slip out of his hands and it broke on the parking lot pavement. He came into the store with shrugged shoulders and before he said one word, in unison we all said “no”.
Again these are just a few of what I call “Bad Apples”. There are those who truly need our help. That’s why I make contributions directly to my church or the Salvation Army. There are a number of organizations to help the homeless as well. Make sure you check your phone directory or internet for the one closest to you.
Before I close, here’s a new pet peeve for you. My son and I were getting in line for a little ice cream snack at West Acres. As we approached, a man, wife and son rushed into line ahead of us. I let it go…if you think you’re impressing the little lady by doing that kind of thing, more power to you I guess. (She gets impressed easy it looks like). But, we are standing in line for a good 10 minutes and it’s his turn. He’s asked “Can I take your order?” The reply from this guy, “Ah, let me see” as he stands staring at the menu board. Ladies, wouldn’t you be impressed by a man if after waiting in a fast food line for at least 10 minutes he didn’t know what he wanted to eat? He must have had some kind of clue if he picked “that” line in the first place, don’t you think? It happened before and it’ll happen again I guess.
I’m done venting. Thanks for reading!!!