by Tom Blair
I’m sure many of you have heard of former Texas State Representative (1997-2007 Suzanna Hupp. This woman went to a restaurant with her parents; she often carried a gun, but left it in the car to comply with the law at that time, against carrying concealed weapons.
While dining, a nutcase drove a vehicle right into the building and began opening fire on people. Suzanna went for her purse, but then remembered she’d left her gun in the car. Among the over 20 people killed in the shooting were her father and mother. She often talks about the helpless feeling of knowing her gun was in the car, the fact that she could have saved lives and prevented the loss of her Mom and Dad.
The interesting thing is, she says she doesn’t feel like she’s the victim of “gun violence” – she’s victim of a maniac and of her own government for denying her constitutional right to bear arms.
She mentions that if someone killed her with a car, you certainly wouldn’t try to outlaw cars, or certain kinds of cars, would you? (Her mother was cradling her dead father, when the gunman put a gun to her heard and shot her.) You must read her story on line or her book.
I watched every second of the president’s speech recently. I heard his emotional rhetoric on gun legislation and I also heard about all those wonderful things that are going to be done to make our country great and prosperous again. But I never heard him say one thing about putting policemen or security people in all our schools. Nothing in his entire speech mentioned the safety of our children. (There are over 22,000 schools with armed guards now, and the number growing.)
It’s as if he thinks that his proposed gun legislation will do anything to prevent future shootings. His own vice president was quoted as saying it wouldn’t prevent them, and nothing his office has proposed will stop the shootings. (Look at his hometown of Chicago!)
More laws? The young girl who was shot near the president’s home in Chicago was shot by a gang member who has been convicted of gun violations several times, has convictions for armed robbery, has violated his parole three times and was STILL out on the streets. We do not enforce our existing laws.
In 2010 alone, under the “gun purchase background checks” law, there were 76,000 illegally-applied-for weapons purchased, and out of 76,000, only 13 were successfully prosecuted. One thing that the proposed legislation has done is to cause a frenzy of buying guns, ammo and high-capacity magazines, by governmental agencies and citizens.
Worldwide, gun companies are behind and cannot make guns fast enough, the shelves in all gun stores are down to little or nothing in ammunition stock, and guns are flying off the shelves. Reloading supplies are dwindling to nothing, and production of all weapons and ammunition are at a level of an anticipated war… and maybe could become reality.
Thomas Jefferson said, “The beauty of the second amendment is, it will never be needed… until they try to take them.”
Gun legislation isn’t new: in the late 1800s California passed a law against concealed guns. It was later repealed because too many unarmed and law-abiding citizens were getting robbed and shot by outlaws who don’t obey laws.
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com