Nurses serve worldwide

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

May 6th-12th is National Nurses week where we recognize the importance of nursing in today’s society. This owed recognition stems back hundreds of years and their importance will continue hundreds more.

Nursing has also played a huge part of our military. Their contributions are as far reaching as any other military occupation.

Initially nurses were untrained and unnamed starting out as women that could not make a living with their men at war.   

They started following the soldiers around and in exchange for safety, food and shelter provided much needed care to the soldiers. The very important role they played was recognized and formal training schools were established.

Today nurses serve in all the services all over the world. Let’s look at the genesis.

In the Revolutionary War- the traditional role of female caretaker was valued. If a woman performed those duties it would free up a man for the fighting. In July, 1775 a resolution was passed allowing payment of two dollars a month. Four dollars monthly for nurse managers and those that were go between for the surgeons. This is regarded as the first assignment of pay for professional nurses.

Civil War- At the start of the Civil War there was no established educational system for nurses. English Florence Nightingale made huge strides in Europe for nurses.

Dorothea Lynde was named Superintendent of nurses in 1861. This created an organized unit of nurses for the Union.

Clara Barton, the founder of the Red Cross was the most famous Civil War nurse.

Many African-Americans served as nurses in the Civil War, Anne Bradford Stokes, Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth to name a few.

During the Civil War it was an awakening and a deadly turning point in weapon modernization. The misery factor for the average soldier day to day was incredibly high. One can only imagine the great sense of comfort nurses brought.

Beyond the Civil War- after the Civil War the nursing profession both military and civilian came into its own. Nurses also served in the Spanish American War.

In WW1 22,000 nurses served. It was first thought to keep them in the rear. Soon it was realized they could save endless lives if they were kept close to the front. After WW1 it was decided to give nurses rank.

In WW2 59,000 nurses served. Untold lives were saved and the nurses served in all theaters. Some nurses were even captured and took part in the Bataan death March. Angels of Bataan us a book that counts their super heroic deeds.

Post WW2, nurses have become just as important as any other military occupation. They serve in all corners of the world.

Nurses have ascended to earn enough respect to be the most trusted occupation for over 20 years. That kind of respect is earned.

If you know a Nurse thank them. This is a salute to my girlfriend who is an incredible nurse, and served as a Combat Medic.

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