Never Again

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Last Friday March 29th area Veterans came together to celebrate Vietnam Veterans day.
Why March 29th? (Which also happened to be Good Friday this year). On March 29th 1973 the U.S, Military Command in Vietnam was disbanded and the last U.S. troops departed the country. March 29th remains the date recognized for the end of the war.
We hosted a program at the Moorhead American Legion, an excellent lunch of ham and potatoes (Thank you Sara) the missing man ceremony, rifle volley and Taps salute. The place was absolutely packed with veterans, who shared comradery and stories of their time in Vietnam.
I was honored to present the goings on at the National cemetery and our building project. You see, I have always held our Vietnam Vets in high regard. As a young private in the Army, the Vietnam veterans were worshipped by the younger warriors and what they said and taught was the gospel.
Also it should be remembered how these men and women were treated upon arriving home. They were called “baby killers”, spit on, told not to wear their uniforms etc… And they said NEVER AGAIN!
Through the actions of the Vietnam Veterans the paradigm was changed, hate the war, not the warrior. We now hold celebrations for soldiers returning to “the world”, parades, huge turn outs to great soldiers coming off the planes to their home, their country. And this we owe to the sacrifices and spirit of our Vietnam Veterans. And now finally after years of hiding their service, they proudly wear their “Vietnam Veteran” hats and jackets. If you see a person wearing some type of Vietnam service clothing in the public sometime make sure to thank them and welcome them home.

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