by Tom Blair
Ok Mr. President, Congress, White House and other various highly paid politicians, maybe you’re right. I have been too much of a redneck, gun rights supporter. Maybe getting rid of guns is the answer to ending shootings, murder and violence.
I realize that you, the Congress and the White House folks are all protected and surrounded by semi and fully automatic weapons (Assault weapons with high capacity magazines too) around the clock. Secret Service, State, Federal and city cops are watching over you and it does cost us taxpayers a lot of money.
We the people don’t have all the security our leaders have and we might soon be getting even less: Cutbacks in police protection, more criminals, under staffed emergency people and so on.
Letting politicians start picking our second amendment right makes me think this might work. As soon all assault weapons are banned, we will all turn ours in and so will the gangs, organized crime, walking nutcases and drug cartel members. It’s going to be a paradise huh?
But there will soon be more money available when you and your Washington people drop all that security and get rid of those expensive assault weapons your staff of security people have. Why, you won’t even need guns that look like assault rifles or anything that carries more than 10 rounds of ammo because no one else will have them.
It will be a crime free country when they manage to gut out our second amendment. It will be safe, like our nations capital where our leaders work behind the high fences. It may even be as safe as Chicago or New York where they have all those strict gun laws too.
You know, the anti-gun politicians, second amendment haters, and people who just don’t know a damn thing about guns, plinking, competition shooting or hunting always wait for some kids and family folks to get killed so they can run around with their flags waving to push their views and get their agendas on the rest of the population.
Most of us responsible people who enjoy shooting get tired of arguing over a 10, 20 or 30 round magazine. It’s not important. Three 10 round clips are the same amount of bullets as a 30 rounder. If you take a 20 round clip out of the Bushmaster or AK-47 it’s just a hunting rifle and no longer an assault weapon, so why ban the rifle?
In 2011, 323 people were killed by “Assault” type weapons, 496 people were killed by hammers, 650 by knives and 12,000 by drunk drivers. They say there is someone killed by a drunk driver every 30 seconds. Think about that. Should we take away everyone’s car or should we make all cars only go 30 MPH because of those drunk drivers?
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com