Moorhead City Council Meeting

Moorhead City Council Meeting

July 14, 2014

Public Hearing: Property Tax Exemption for a multi-family residential redevelopment project located at 1033, 1019, 1017 4th Avenue South.

Voting requirements: Majority of Quorum

Passed Unanimously

· Tom Kading, Precision Fund 5, LLP, applied for a property tax exemption to redevelop a 3-parcel site in the area of MSUM. The project will demolish all existing structures to construct a three-story, seven-unit apartment complex. All units will have 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a 2-stall garage.

· The City Assessor has estimated the new assessed building value to be approximately $660,000.

· According to the application, qualifying redevelopment costs are estimated to be at least

$194,300. If the new assessed building value is $660,000, the project would qualify for 5 years

100% exemption and an additional 5 years 75% exemption. The actual exemption amount will

be determined by actual receipts submitted for qualifying redevelopment costs, which could be

very different from what is presented here.

· The total benefit of this property tax exemption with redevelopment costs is estimated at $86,625.

Other Actions:

1. Property Tax Exemption for Farmstead Care of Moorhead

Voting requirements: Majority of Quorum

Passed 7-1

· City Council approved the request of Roger Erickson, Farmstead Care of Moorhead LP, for a Property Tax Exemption to construct a two-phased assisted living and memory care facility. It had been tabled at the June 23, 2014.

2. Churches United for the Homeless request for endorsement to build a 41-unit $6.5 million apartment complex at 315 34th Street North was revisited. A packed Chambers with several citizens speaking in opposition to the proposed site resulted in the Council passing a resolution opposing the proposed location. However, Council members restated that there is little that the City can do to stop the project, because it is a private sale and thus far meets the requirements. The Resolution will be sent to Churches United and to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, which is considering funding a grant for the project.

3. Resolution to Approve Land Lease – Moorhead Municipal Airport


The City Council unanimously approved a land lease agreement with K. Skatvold, Principal Manager of 82 and Sunny, LLC for a private hangar at the Moorhead Municipal Airport.

Background: There are currently four private hangars at the Moorhead Airport with two additional private hangars to be under construction this summer along with construction of a new taxiway in 2014. K. Skatvold proposes to construct a 60 x 60 foot noncommercial hangar adjacent to the new taxiway.

Moorhead Farmers Market

The Moorhead Farmers Market will take place each Tuesday, through September 30th from 3-7 pm. Vendor participation is expected to increase as the planting and harvest season goes on so be sure to stop back each week to see the offerings from vendors.

Moorhead Center Mall Parking Lot (northeast corner near 7th Street and 1st Avenue)

Vendors are always welcome. Call Tara at 218.299.5340 to sign up today! Vendor fee is just $40 for the season.

Road Closures

Westbound lanes of the 1st Ave North bridge were closed to all traffic on July 14, 2014.

Starting Tuesday, July 15, 2014, access to 12th Ave S from SE Main Ave will be temporarily closed for construction of a new concrete roadway. The closure is expected to last for approximately one week. Motorists are encouraged to find alternate routes.

Greater Moorhead Days Parade

One of the signature events during Greater Moorhead Days (September 4-13) is the annual parade.

Parade entry is FREE and a great way to promote your organization.

Save the date of Friday, September 5 starting at 6:00 pm along 20th Street from 28th Avenue to 8th Avenue South.

Questions? Contact Tara Ekren. 218 299-5296.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health to offer “Health Equity Summit”

Friday July 18, 8:30am to 3:30pm at the Oscar Bergos Center (South Entrance #1) M-State Moorhead.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health (PS4H) will host a Health Equity Summit on Friday, July 18th from 8:30am-3:30pm at the Oscar Bergos Center on the campus of M-State Moorhead. Over 180 interested professionals have registered for this event to learn about how they can impact the health of the clients they serve. Their clients may include people experiencing mental illness, physical or developmental disabilities, low socio-economic statuses or at risk youth.

Health inequity occurs when people experience serious social, economic and environmental disadvantages, such as lack of safe and affordable housing, food, sustainable resources, structural racism and a widespread lack of economic and educational opportunities, These people disproportionally experience chronic disease such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes or cancer than adults with higher incomes and supports. This includes people with all types of disabilities who experience chronic disease up to 3 times more and those with serious mental illness who die, on average, 25 years earlier than the general public. These alarming numbers has PartnerSHIP 4 Health actively collaborating with human service organizations in Becker, Clay, Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties to address health inequities by developing strategies to increase healthy eating, physical activity and reduce tobacco use and exposure.

Keynote speakers at the summit are Vayong Moua, M.P.A. from Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN who will discuss “Health in All Policies: Approach to Advance Health Equity” and Nimi Singh, M.D., M.P.H. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Adolescent Medicine Fellowship in the Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Singh will discuss “The Role of Lifestyle in Stress, Coping and Mental Health”. Pat McCone from American Lung Association will discuss Tobacco’s Impact on disparate populations and Angie Homuth, Registered Dietician; Sanford Health will present “Back to the Basics with Diabetes”. A panel of PartnerSHIP 4 Health Partners from several area human service agencies will also share practical experiences on how they recently made positive changes impacting the health of those they serve.

PartnerSHIP 4 Health is a Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) grantee in Becker, Clay, Otter Tail and Wilkin counties. SHIP is an integral part of Minnesota’s nation-leading 2008 health reform law that strives to help Minnesotans lead longer, healthier lives by preventing the chronic disease risk factors of tobacco use and exposure, poor nutrition, and physical inactivity.

The Health Equity Summit is also supported by Minnesota Department of Health and CassClayAlive!

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