Moorhead City Council Meeting

Moorhead City Council Meeting

October 27, 2014

Consultant John Rhodes briefs the Council

Rhodes’ firm Moran, Stahl & Boyer that assists companies in location decisions provided a brief review of his report. According to the report’s findings, Moorhead is in a good position to compete economically in the region. Rhodes emphasized that communicating the positive elements of the community will go a long way in attracting the types of preferred businesses to the city. The full report will be released this week and will be available on the city’s website.

Public Hearing for 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan Draft & 2015 Action Plan Draft Community Development Block Grant.

Every five years the City develops a CDBG Consolidated Plan as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A required 30-day public comment period ends October 31, 2014 and formal consideration of the Consolidated Plan is scheduled for November 10, 2014.

The Consolidated Plan was prepared in collaboration with citizens and local service providers. A community survey was circulated to area agencies and available online for 2 weeks in August 2014; 499 survey responses were received. The community was notified of the survey in-person, by word-of-mouth, and through e-mail and social media.

The purpose of the survey was to have citizens identify the most important housing and non-housing community development needs in Moorhead and gain insight into fair housing. The survey results were compiled with consultation results of local agency visits and statistical data provided by agencies and the US Census Bureau.

Needs Assessment: Needs were assessed in five priority areas:

• Housing needs: affordable rental and owner housing opportunities, home rehabilitation including energy efficiency improvements.

• Public housing: affordable rental housing opportunities.

• Homeless needs: transportation opportunities.

• Non-homeless special needs: physical disability services, accessible ramps, services, outreach, assessment.

• Non-housing community development needs: recreation opportunities for children and youth.

Components and findings are summarized in the Consolidated Plan Executive Summary (p. 2) which can be viewed on the City website.

City Council approved the following project at 800 2nd Avenue North.

The River View Heights Addition was platted in 1968 for development of the existing Moorhead Housing and Redevelopment Authority high-rise facility. While that structure will remain, the Housing Authority was approved to construct a 3-unit townhome on a 120’x180’ new parcel. The 3-units are planned to each have two bedrooms with anticipated construction starting in spring of 2015.

Recreational Vehicles Ordinance

The current ordinance was passed in December 1975. It has not remained current with changes in new or modern recreational vehicles. Most notably, All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s) are no longer 3-wheelers as described in the current ordinance.

When the City Council conducted the first reading of the ordinance amending the City Code governing recreational vehicles, the Council requested that more restriction regarding noise and hours of operation be added to the ordinance regarding ATVs and motorized off-road vehicles. More research is being conducted whether such vehicles can be further restricted in private, residential district through zoning ordinance.

Preliminary 2015 Operating & Capital Budget Discussion – Department Reports

The following City’s Department Directors provided reports to the City Council on the Preliminary 2015 Operating & Capital Budget and projects planned for 2015. Citizens may view the presentations at

· Parks & Recreation – The department is having difficulty in hiring temporary positions.

· Fire – The department improved its insurance ratings by one level saving premium dollars.

Pangea- Cultivate Our Cultures

Pangea—Cultivate Our Cultures is a free, indoor, one-day, family friendly celebration of the tremendous cultural diversity in the Moorhead-Fargo community held at the Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead, MN, November 8, 2014 from 10am-4pm. Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the festival draws community members together to learn about each other through sharing their artistic and cultural traditions.

Make Moorhead Home Property

Tax Rebate Program Extended through 2016

2-year property tax rebate – No maximum building limit

The City of Moorhead, Clay County, and Moorhead Public Schools have all signed on to continue participation in the Make Moorhead Home Property Tax Rebate Program in 2015 and 2016.

The Make Moorhead Home Property Tax Rebate is a financial incentive to home buyers and another reason prospective home buyers are choosing Moorhead and the city is growing.

Fast facts:

More than 300 home buyers have received Make Moorhead Home rebates since 2012.

Moorhead saw a 50% increase in single family housing starts from 2012 to 2013.

2014 Single family housing starts have already surpassed 2013 level.

Overall 2014 housing starts (both single and multifamily) are expected to exceed 2013 activity.

89 percent of 2013 Moorhead home buyers surveyed report they are satisfied or very satisfied with their Moorhead neighborhoods.

All home buyers can take advantage of two years of rebates on property taxes paid for newly constructed homes. Existing homeowners can get a tax break on substantially remodeled homes. No income limits, no first time buyer restriction. New construction buyers who do qualify as first time home buyers can also get some help with special assessments by participating in the First & New Program.

For further information regarding the Make Moorhead Home Property Tax Rebate and other Moorhead housing opportunities, visit or contact by email or phone at 218.299.5434.

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