Moorhead City Council Committee of the Whole

Moorhead City Council Committee of the Whole

Monday, November 17, 2014

*At Committee of the Whole Meetings Council Members discusses City business or other matters of interest as determined by the Council. No official action is taken at Committee of the Whole meetings.

Oakport Tract 2 Hunting Ordinance Discussion

The annexation of Tract 2 of Oakport Township into the City of Moorhead will be effective on January 1, 2015. Even though hunting has always been permitted in Oakport, current ordinances do not permit hunting in the City limits and therefore hunting would not be allowed after the annexation.

Deputy Chief Shannon Monroe was charged with researching the issue. He gathered numerous city ordinances from around Minnesota and contacted the Buffalo Red River Watershed District, as well reviewing numerous city ordinances from around Minnesota. Monroe also reviewed the issue with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

In his report to the Council, Deputy Chief Monroe recommended that hunting remain unchanged as the annexation occurs. However, he recommended that the Council consider whether firearms should be allowed. Presently, the area is a shotgun zone only under state law. Shotguns do not have the distance concerns that rifles do. Many cities only allow only archery and some, in either case, only allow shooting of a firearm or bow from an elevated position (tree stand/blind) of a certain height.

Senior Rental/Assisted Living/Nursing Home Recycling Service Update

Current City policy classifies apartments as commercial entities that do not receive residential curbside recycling service. Most apartments do not have commercial recycling because the requirement to segregate material means each apartment location would need (5) 4-6 cubic yard dumpsters and real estate is typically not available. The Council discussed an Interim Management Plan to provide recycling service options to the Senior Rental/Assisted Living Communities in the City of Moorhead.

The issue was initiated by Farmstead Estates General Partner, Roger Erickson requesting City of Moorhead residential recycling service for Farmstead Estates. Farmstead Estates is a senior living community (48 apartment units) that is classified as a multi-family housing development.

However, information provided by the City indicates that most apartments do not have commercial recycling because the requirement to segregate material means each apartment location would need (5) 4-6 cubic yard dumpsters and real estate is typically not available. The Public Works Department provides curbside recycling service to approximately, 10,100 homes (which includes single-family homes, single-family rental homes, duplexes and townhomes). There are approximately 4,400 multi-family units that do not receive residential recycling service. Therefore, the City maintains that providing residential recycling service to these multi-family units represents a potential increase of 44% that cannot be sustained by current Public Works Department work force and equipment.

It is the City’s recommendation to wait until the current initiative with Clay County for a long-term solution for multi-family unit recycling to construct a Material Recovery Facility is completed.

Reviewed Liquor Ordinance Amendments

The City of Moorhead received a request for an off-sale 3.2% malt liquor for Casey’s Gas Station. The City of Moorhead approved the application in early fall. After reviewing the ordinance before issuing this permit, staff realized that the City of Moorhead does not authorize the sale of 3.2% malt liquor. It is the City Clerk’s recommendation that the City of Moorhead authorize the sale of off-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses is issued to gas stations within the City contingent upon City Council approval.

City Council – MPS Commission Transfer Work Group Report

The Council discussed the model proposed by Moorhead Public Service for calculating future Electric Fund transfers to the General Fund. A working group was formed in 2013 with the MPS to discuss a new transfer model based on electric sales of the utility. City staff issued an analysis of this model, which calculates Electric Fund transfers on a kilowatt-hour (kWh) basis, rather than a transfer based on a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of Electric Fund gross revenues. The proposed electric transfer from MPS to the City for 2015 is $6.95 million. The City budget has several revenue sources that includes the MPS transfer, street light fees, property taxes, and the Local Government Aid.

Police Seeking Public’s Assistance

The Moorhead Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance in identifying the person responsible for the attempted Robbery of Casey’s General Store located at 3400 12 Avenue South.

On November 13, 2014, at 10:21pm, an unknown male entered the Casey’s General Store and demanded money while displaying a knife. The suspect is described as white male in his 20’s, with light, short facial hair. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, black baseball cap and dark grey pants. The suspect ran from the store after receiving no money. The employee was not injured.

If you recognize the suspect or have any information regarding this incident, you are asked to contact the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at 701.451.7660 and ask to speak with the on-duty Moorhead Police supervisor.

Snowmobile Safety Class

Clay County Trailblazers will host a Snowmobile Safety Class on Saturday, December 13, 2014 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Registration -7:30 to 8:00 a.m.

Location is Moorhead Senior High School located at 2300 4 Avenue South, Moorhead, MN.

The Clay County Trail Blazers Snowmobile club will provide Pizza lunch.

-Must be 12 years old before 3.31.15

-Successfully complete and pass all sections on the MN Snowmobile safety training CD.

-Printed and signed copy of the voucher of completion offered at the end of the Snowmobile safety training CD.

-Birth Certificate or drivers license required

-Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during registration.

Dress according to the weather. Inside class, outside ride. Bring a helmet if you have one, if not one will be supplied. Snowmobiles supplied, do not bring your sled!

Training CD’s available at the Clay County DMV or the Moorhead Law Enforcement Center. For questions contact; Marc Simonet at or 701.793.7977

Harvey Moos at or 701.238.8327 800.366.8917 or email

Weekly Curbside Yard

Waste Collection Ending

The City of Moorhead curbside yard waste pickup service will end for the season on November 26, 2014. Service will begin in the spring weather permitting, but no later than Clean Up Week, which will begin on May 4, 2015.

Note: Brush pickup service will continue through the winter months on a call-in basis only. Please call 299-5422 to schedule your branch pick up. Also, visit the Curbside Brush Pickup Service Web Page at: Do’s and Don’ts regarding curbside brush pickup service.

Please check the City of Moorhead Public Works Web Page at:, or Facebook and Twitter April 2015 for a specific date when we will resume curbside yard waste pickup service.

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