Moorhead American Legion Post 21

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Moorhead American Legion Post #21 is named after a local WWI hero, Melvin E. Hearl. Melvin Elmer Hearl was born in 1895 and was raised in Moorhead, Minnesota. He was better known to his close friends and family as “Babe, the boy with a smile.” They said his smile was contagious and uplifting. He carried that smile throughout high school at Moorhead High, his years as a backfield member of Litz Rusness,’ and throughout his career as a member of the United States Military.
Although Melvin enlisted into the US Military voluntarily, it wasn’t until the summer of 1918, when the draft was called up, that Melvin joined with the other hundreds of young Moorhead soldiers. Melvin was sent to Camp Grant in Rockford, Ill, and Camp Upton, New York, for training.
In September of 1918, hundreds of young soldiers, including Melvin, were given their first assignment by receiving notice they would be stationed in France. According to letters sent from Melvin to his mother back in Moorhead, Minnesota, Melvin was “fine as ever.” His humble nature and positive attitude constantly reminded his mother to “look on the bright side of life and trust in God.” Even at the time of his death in early November 1918, Melvin still had hope in his heart and a smile upon his face.
Melvin was injured by shell fragments that damaged his stomach and lower limbs on November 1, 1918, while in his dugout in France. He was treated and sent by ambulance to a nearby hospital, still conscious. Although his spirits were high and his smile was big, Melvin Elmer Hearl passed away a few days later. The exact date of his death is still uncertain, but one thing is for sure, his smile touched the lives of many including family, friends, and his comrades.
On April 27th, 1921, the Moorhead American Legion recognized and honored PVT Melvin E. Hearl by choosing his name for their Post. To date, Melvin E. Hearl Post #21 still strives to honor Melvin and the other soldiers who lost their lives in conflicts all over the world, defending the United States of America by continuing to touch the lives of many through a positive attitude and a warm smile.
Post 21 was recently named 8th largest in the State of Minnesota with 573 members.

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