Monster Bars

Fall is my favorite season of the year. Crisp, cool nights and warm sunny days. Life is back to normal (whatever is normal?) with school in session and soon we will be in full swing with fall harvest. As I write this, there is a pesky fly buzzing around and whenever I get a fly swatter in my hand, he/she is nowhere to be found. It seems the flies need to get in out of the wind and try to stay warm in the garage. I have set some mouse traps in the garage to get any little critters before they can get into the house. Other than those two annoying pests, life is good!

I made these monster bars from a recipe on Facebook; when we had family home for the weekend. I noticed that there was no flour in the recipe thinking it was an error, but I made them according to the recipe and directions and they were just great. I baked them exactly 25 minutes and thought they could have been in the oven a little longer, but they were done just right and kind of chewy.

Monster Bars

1/2 Cup butter (not margarine)

1 Cup white sugar

1 Cup brown sugar

3 Eggs

1 1/2 Cups peanut butter

1 Teaspoon vanilla

2 Teaspoons baking soda

4 1/2 Cups oatmeal

1 1/2 Cups M & M’s

1 1/2 Cups chocolate chips

Cream butter and sugars, add eggs, peanut butter, vanilla and soda. Stir in oatmeal, chocolate chips and M&M’s. Blend well. Spread in well greased 10×15 pan; bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Do not over bake. Cut while warm.

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