Marv Degerness prepares sausages at the 2023 Pancakes Galore, while Ivan Johnson and Dennis Fjeld (at left in back) tend ‘cakes on the griddle, and Larry Seljevold and Jim Welch look on (at right). File photo/Nancy Hanson.
The pancakes and sausage that have satisfied Moorheaders’ appetites for 40 years are back again this weekend … but more hands than ever will be flipping the delicacies.
Pancakes Galore is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday (Sept. 14-15) at the Lutheran Church of Christ the King, beginning at 7 a.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday. The flipping continues until 1 p.m. Both days. Proceeds – with admission of $8 per teen and adult, $5 for 5- to 12-year-olds, and the youngest diners free – are earmarked for Phase II of the development of the Inclusive Playground at Southside Regional Park.
What’s new about this year’s pancake feed is the sponsoring service club itself. Now known as Moorhead Vikingland Kiwanis, the organization now includes the memberships of what had been two separate clubs until their merger earlier this year.
Past president Jane Amble says that, in this case, the change harkens back to the beginning of local Kiwanis history a century ago. “Vikingland Kiwanis started as one club 100-some years ago,” she reports. “It has always met at 6:45 a.m. Wednesdays. But about 50 years ago, there were a number of educators who couldn’t meet at that time. They went on to form Moorhead Kiwanis, which met at noon.”
Dwindling membership in that unit prompted the two organizations to revert to their original format as one unified group, continuing to meet midweek in the early hours. Tom Nole is the group’s current president.
The merger has brought together two active volunteer agendas … all continuing by the group now known as Moorhead Vikingland Kiwanis. The Moorhead club has sponsored the annual Frostival chili feed at the Hjemkomst; donated dolls to Sanford Children’s Hospital; and held monthly birthday parties for children living at Churches United.
The Vikingland group originated Pancakes Galore. Members also cook meals each month at Churches United and the Ronald McDonald House and volunteer at the Dorothy Day and Ruby’s Food pantries.
Since their merger, members have initiated a second K-Kids Club to introduce elementary students at Robert Asp School to community service. It’s the second; the first was started at S.G. Reinertson Elementary several years ago. The Key Club continues to operate at Moorhead High School, with a dozen or two members joining full-grown Kiwanis in serving pancakes this weekend.