(FARGO, ND)– Mara Brust announced today her candidacy for a seat on the Fargo City Commission. A Fargo native, Brust is an Associate Attorney at the Fargo law firm of Conmy Feste, Ltd.

In addition to her legal background, Brust said that her efforts volunteering with various community organizations will be an asset on the Commission. “Serving as community liaison for the Fargo-Moorhead Ballet, as well as sitting on the Public Arts Taskforce for the City Commission, I have seen firsthand that what makes our community so great is its people.”

She cited further the city’s dedication to our youth as an inspiration to serve. “Growing up in Fargo, my childhood was enriched by the numerous opportunities that our city has to offer. I want to ensure our next generation has the same chances I did and more.”

“This city deserves a fresh perspective from its leadership, and it would be an honor to bring that perspective as Fargo’s newest city commissioner.”

The Village Presents One

Hour Seminar on Kids and Money

The Village Family Service Center will present “Kids and Money,” on April 23, 2014, 6-7 p.m., at the Dakota Medical Foundation, 4141 28th Ave. S., Fargo.

Have a positive impact on your children’s values regarding money and watch them step confidently into adulthood—financially capable, independent, and prepared. Dakota Medical Foundation, 4141 28th Ave. S., Fargo. Call 1-800-450-4019 for more information, or register online at http://kidsmoney.eventbrite.com

Community participation

requested for public art inventory project


FARGO, N.D.(April 4, 2014) – The City of Fargo Public Art Taskforce is seeking community participation in a public art inventory project. The goal is to identify and inventory all existing public art within the city. All members of the community are invited to submit pictures of artwork located throughout the city. This includes indoor and outdoor art such as murals, paintings, statues, temporary and performing art, as long as it is located in a place open to the general public.

     The submission deadline is Monday, April 21, 2014. Pictures may be dropped off at the City of Fargo Planning and Development Department, 200 3rd St. N., Fargo or via email. Please visit www.cityoffargo.com/publicarttaskforce for more information on email submissions.  

Lost and Found Ministry to

Offer Class on Forgiveness

Moorhead, Minn.—Lost and Found Ministry will offer “Forgiveness: Creating Freedom” on Monday evenings, April 21 and April 28 from 7-8:15 pm at 111 7th St. So. in Moorhead, MN. The two-part series will focus on forgiving yourself and forgiving others and the freedom that comes in forgiving. The sessions are free. Register by calling 218-287-2089, or online at www.lostandfoundministry.org. The classes will be facilitated by the Rev. Tim Bauer, pastoral counselor at Lost and Found Ministry.

HBA hires Nogosek

as events coordinator

FARGO, N.D.– The Home Builders Association of Fargo-Moorhead has named Lindsey Nogosek to its events coordinator position. Her responsibilities include coordinating the HBA’s public events, including the Red River Valley Home & Garden Show, Fall Home Show, Spring and Fall Parades of Homes and Remodeled Home Tour. She is also involved with planning Association events including the annual golf outings and membership meetings.

Nogosek is a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, and earned a bachelor’s degree in communication. She brings over seven years of professional experience in relationship management, sales and marketing. Originally from Broomfield, Colo., Nogosek and her husband, Kory, live in Fargo with their daughter, Remy.

WIC Program Announces New

Income Levels for Eligibility

BISMARCK, N.D.– Income eligibility guidelines for the North Dakota Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) have increased, according Colleen Pearce, WIC Program director with North Dakota Department of Health. 

Effective April 1, 2014, a family of four can earn up to $3,667 each month (or $849 each week for the household) and still meet income eligibility requirements.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the WIC Program has improved children’s health, growth and development, and prevented health problems for almost 40 years. WIC benefits include quality nutrition and breastfeeding education; referrals to other services; and monthly access to foods rich in calcium, iron and protein to help bolster the health of women who are pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding, as well as babies and children younger than five. WIC foods are designed to fit the nutrition needs of each WIC participant and include only milk, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, 100 percent fruit juice, beans, whole grains, cereals and fresh fruits and vegetables. WIC supports breastfeeding as the optimal way to feed infants, but infants who are not breastfeeding receive iron-fortified formula and older infants also receive baby food.

“Studies show that the proper nutrition WIC children receive helps them enter school ready to learn,” said Colleen Pearce, director of the Department of Health’s WIC Program. “WIC is a cost-effective, sound investment that helps ensure the health of our children.”

To qualify for WIC, families must reside in North Dakota, meet the income requirements and have a nutritional or medical need for WIC services, such as anemia or inadequate diet. Need is determined by measuring the child’s or woman’s height and weight, performing a hemoglobin test, and taking his or her health and dietary history. To find out if they qualify, North Dakotans can call their local WIC agency or the state WIC office at 1.800.472.2286. For more information, contact Colleen Pearce, North Dakota Department of Health, at 701.328.2496.

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