Karen Midgarden
Dorothy Pettinger, president of the Fargo-Moorhead Home Economists, reviewed a successful year for the group she leads. Pettinger said that the local group began in 1961as a chapter of the American Home Economics Association. They emphasize lifelong learning, community involvement and scholarship opportunities for Concordia and NDSU students. Dorothy said, “The term ‘home economics’ isn’t used often anymore. The field of study is generally referred to as ‘The College of Human Science and Education ‘.
In 2019, the group toured Square 1 Kitchens where entrepreneurs work at startup food-related businesses. They learned about Florence Klingensmith, a Clay County native and pioneer aviator featured in the book ‘Fly Girls’. Their last educational program included a speaker from New Life Center, an area homeless shelter for men.
Dorothy urges area residents who hold degrees in home-economics related fields to call her at 701-237-6554 for membership information. She invites new members to join saying, “Our dues are used 100% for scholarships. The more members we have, the more college students we can help.
Lifelong Learning