The Lake Agassiz Pacers presented the city with a check for $4,500 for the Inclusive Playground. (From left) Council member Deb White; Mayor Shelly Carlson; Pacers president Charles Elhard and board members Heather Garlie and James Botnen. (Photos/City of Moorhead.)

Raymond and Kathie Kvalvog and their family contributed $60,000 to the Rotary Natural Play Hill. Shown are Mayor Shelly Carlson, the Kvalvogs, Brooks Kvalvog, Oliver and Aurelie McManus, Heather Ranck, Ken Rosson and Holly Heitkamp.
Two groups presented major donations to complete new Moorhead parks at the Moorhead City Council’s meeting Monday.
The Lake Agassiz Pacers running club completed its pledge of $10,000 for the Inclusive Playground with a gift of $4,500. It represents the proceeds of the group’s 50th annual Red River Run, held Sept. 14. More than 200 runners took part in the event.
Raymond and Kathie Kvalvog and their family contributed $60,000 for the Rotary Natural Play Hill and Bike Park. The gift completes the foundation’s multi-year campaign to raise a total of $1.27 million for children’s attraction along First Avenue North in Riverfront Park, which opened in June.
Project chair Heather Ranck thanked the family for their gift, given in memory of sons Zach and Connor, who died in a traffic accident in 2015.