- Holly Heitkamp receives North of Normal Award from Visit Fargo-Moorhead board chairman Doug Peters.
- Visit Fargo-Moorhead chairman Doug Peters presents Tourism Champion award to Markus Krueger.
Markus Krueger and Holly Heitkamp were among local tourism leaders honored by Visit Fargo-Moorhead March 11.
The Tourism Champion Award was presented to Krueger, program director of the Historical and Cultural Society of Fargo-Moorhead. Holly Heitkamp, who retired in December as director of Moorhead Parks and Recreation, was one of two honored with the North of Normal Award.
Other honorees include Hulbert Aquatic Center of West Fargo, Pineapple Award; Plains Art Museum, Industry Excellence Award; the Big Buck National Wrestling Championships and 3X Gear, MVP Award; Susan Wangen of Expressway Suites, Hotel Industry Star Award; and Barb Erbstoesser of the West Fargo Park District, who shared the North of Normal Award with Heitkamp.
The awards were presented by Doug Peters, who chairs the Visit Fargo-Moorhead board of directors.