Kidsfest Week of the Young Child

Kidsfest Week of the Young Child

Encouraging health & fitness

April 12, 2014 from 10am-1pm at Moorhead Center Mall

The Clay County Early Childhood Initiative is a network of community partners caring for families and children from birth to six years of age by providing education and experiences that support social and emotional development. Funding for the work of the Initiative comes from West Central Initiative which is part of the Minnesota Initiative Foundation. The Early Childhood Initiative works by bringing community members and organizations together with the common mission of making our community a nurturing environment for young children and their families. Each year, our annual Week of the Young Child event provides us with an opportunity to bring about awareness of the needs of young children and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

The Week of the Young Child is a time to remind us that early years are learning years. The early years are so important because they provide the foundation for all the years to come. This year, we are excited and pleased to be partnering with the Moorhead Center Mall and its merchants as well as, Moorhead Parks and Recreation in celebrating Week of the Young Child at Kidfest, a celebration that will bring the “kid” out in all of us.

Joining together brings a strength that none of us have alone and allows us all to reach out to so many children and families. Come out and enjoy, learn and experience ways to live a healthy lifestyle offered by organizations and businesses right here in our own backyard.

Arson Investigations

Early morning Tuesday March 11th, the Moorhead Fire and Police Departments responded to an unoccupied vehicle fire parked at 1303 17th Street South. A silver colored 2003 Pontiac Grand Am was located on fire with the driver’s side door open. The vehicle had reportedly been left parked at this location.

Within the hour, at approximately 3:54 a.m., a second fire call was received for an unoccupied south Moorhead residence located at 310 37th Avenue South.

We are asking for the public’s assistance with obtaining any information that may further these investigations. Anyone that may have seen or heard anything that may provide insight as to possible suspect(s) information is asked to contact the Moorhead Police Department on-duty shift supervisor through the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at (701) 451-7660.

A reward of up to $2,500 is being offered by the Minnesota Arson Reward Project for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the responsible party.

City Launches Business Directory

The City of Moorhead, along with the Moorhead Economic Development Authority, is proud to announce the launch of its Business Directory. This new community resource allows businesses to place information about their business on the City’s website. If you are a business owner (or designee), we hope that you will take a few minutes to sign up and submit your business’s information today! If you are an area resident or business, we hope you will visit this site often and make an effort to frequent these businesses!

Here is the direct link to sign up:

MATBUS Expands to Dilworth

Moorhead City Council Members unanimous approved the addition of a new route and expanded bus service between Moorhead and Dilworth. Moorhead Transit Manager Lori Van Beek informed the City Council that MATBUS has experienced an increased need for the additional route between the two cities. Van Beek stated that the after-school programs at Horizon Middle School and the soon to open Sanford’s 28th Avenue facility are several factors that will increase the need of the new route.

Van Beek informed the council that the cost of the new routes would be covered by a Minnesota Department of Transportation grant and that the Moorhead portion of the estimated $75,000 project would amount to $9,400.

The route will potentially be called Route 9 and starting May 1 the route will start and end at the Dilworth Wal-Mart and will include parts of South Moorhead extending further into Dilworth. Citizens will now be able to ride to Cash Wise, Target, Horizon Middle School, Globe University, Sanford, Sam’s Club, Menards, and Casey’s General Store. The route will take thirty minutes with hourly frequencies. The route would run from 6:10 in the morning to 6:30 at night.

Moorhead Continues in

Surrounding Town Dike Construction

It was a crowded night at the Moorhead City Council Meeting. Citizens from several surrounding North Dakota towns urged the Council not to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of the Army and the City of Fargo, City of Moorhead, and the Flood Diversion Board of Authority.

As stated by information provided, the City of Moorhead is referenced in the proposed construction MOU to permit in-kind credit to be considered at a later date for previously installed flood mitigation measures in Moorhead. No new projects are authorized or will be constructed in the City of Moorhead that are not already planned for construction, by approving the construction MOU. However, all Diversion Project sponsors must approve the MOU for it to take effect.

It also pointed out that there is no financial cost to the City of Moorhead to enter into the proposed construction MOU between USACE and the other local sponsors. The work program defined in the construction MOU will take place entirely within the State of North Dakota and will be financed by North Dakota entities. The City Council approved the resolution with a split vote after a lengthy discussion of the responsibilities of Moorhead as a member of the group.

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