Catherine Richert of MPR writes that MPR’s Truth PoliGraph tells a different story about Michelle Bachmann being wrong about her claim that “there was a Congressional Research Service report that just was issued in February, and we discovered that secretly, unbeknownst to members of Congress, over $105 billion was hidden in the Obamacare legislation to fund the implementation of Obamacare,” Bachmann said during her March 6, 2011 appearance on Meet the Press.

In a separate press release issued March 4, she said the funding was a “new $105 billion levy on American taxpayers.”

Bachmann’s figure of $105 billion is in the ballpark. But she’s wrong to say the number was a secret.

Bachmann’s office did not return PoliGraph’s emails or phone calls for clarification on her statement, but it appears she’s referring to a February, 2011, Congressional Research Service report that outlines appropriations and funding transfers in the health care overhaul.

According to that CRS report, the bill includes nearly $105 billion in spending through 2019 for new programs created by the health care bill, such as the health insurance exchanges, and existing programs, such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

But to say that this funding was somehow hidden from lawmakers is false. Spending was clearly outlined in the legislation, and lawmakers had about three months to read the text before voting on it – not, as Bachmann claims, “only three hours before the vote.” Furthermore, many of these provisions, such as a temporary program for those who have pre-existing conditions, which will get $5 billion, and a plan to create health insurance co-ops, which will get $6 billion, got a lot of media attention throughout the health care debate.

Bachmann’s separate claim that the $105 billion in spending is a “levy on American taxpayers” is false. While the health care bill is paid for partly with tax increases and partly with savings from programs like Medicare, Bachmann is referring to spending appropriations, not new taxes as her claim would imply. And at least $11.8 billion of that funding is simply being transferred from existing spending, such as Medicare Part A, to new programs.

Bachmann is correct to say that there is $105 billion in funding in the health care bill. But her claim makes it appear that this is “news”. It is not. And the appropriations she’s referring to are not tax increases.

By cloaking the numbers in claims that the Obama administration is hiding the money, her claim goes beyond misleading to completely false.


Got a question you are burning to ask a
government representative?

For anyone interested in North Dakota city, county or state government, beginning on March 12, the City of Fargo, The Fargo School District and Cass County will be hosting live Saturday Morning Legislative Forums. The meetings will be held in the Fargo City Commission room from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. for the next three Saturdays. The first was held on March

12th, hosted by the Fargo School District and Senators Tom Fischer and Spencer Berry, as well as Representatives Joe Heillman, Scot Kelsh and Bette Grande, who were in attendance to speak and answer questions.

The next Morning Legislative Forum will be held March 19, hosted by the Fargo Public Library with Senators Tony Grindberg, Tim Mathern and Represenatives Don Clark, Tom Beadle and Ron Guggisberg in attendance.

On March 26, the Fargo-Moorhead-West Fargo Chamber will host Senators Ron Sorvaag, Carolyn Nelson, Representatives Blair Thoreson, Steve Zaiser and Kathy Hawken.

The last on April 2, hosted by the Homebuilders Association of F/M, Senator Tim Flakoll and Representatives Randy Boehning, Kathy Hogan, Jim Kasper and Ed Gruchalla will meet.

If you cannot make one or more of the meetings, but would like to view them, go to to watch live video stream. The meetings will be shown on TV Fargo, Channel 12 if you would like to tape one or more for future review, and these will also be rebroadcast on Sundays, at 3:30 p.m. and again on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Check it out, folks. You might learn more than you never knew you didn’t know about how your governments work and who’s making the decisions!


Choosing the Priorities

The headlines have gone from “ NDSU to close child care facility” to NDSU’s President Bresciani backing up and passing the buck onto “other faculty members” who suggested the child care facility be closed. Does it really matter whose very bad idea originated it? The point is, what is NDSU going to do about funding a much needed facility for faculty and students who are already contributing to the $239,000 facility budget? And does it not seem rather ironic that while NDSU is considering closing a child care facility on campus, NDSU’s football coach has been awarded another five year contract, with a base salary plus “incentives” that combined will approach $300,000?

What’s even more ironic is that one reason given for pulling the plug on NDSU’s child care facility is because there is no longer a “program central to the academic mission.” Pardon my ignorance, but would someone from the University explain exactly what “academic program” is NDSU’s football team connected to, aside from entertaining a contingency of fat cat alumni?



“The true test of character is… how we behave when we don’t know what to do.” John Holt


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