If you don’t like guns, don’t own one

I am obsessed with anger listening and reading things from ignorant people who know nothing about guns while talking, writing or babbling about them. Then I must listen to these do-gooders talk about how they are going to cut violence by changing gun laws that will have little or NO EFFECT whatsoever in preventing killing.

And to top it off, these people use the death of innocent children as a sad platform to promote their political agenda against rightful, lawful ownership of firearms by law-abiding citizens.

Having guns isn’t all about self-protection, it can be about the skills of marksmanship, target shooting, hunting wild game, combat competition, collecting classic firearms, old military guns, even customizing or personalizing handguns, rifles and shotguns.

It isn’t all about death and killing, it can be about fathers and sons shooting gophers, tin cans or targets. There are thousands of families who enjoy shooting sports.

It CAN be about having the ability to protect you or your family if need be but there are millions and millions of people in this country who have all kinds of guns, thousands of rounds of ammo and will never be involved in shootings.

Yes, there are millions and millions of responsible people legally carrying firearms, loaded too. But don’t worry, you NEVER hear of these people being involved in a mass shooting, they just know that there are a lot of nut-cases out there who have no respect for ANY gun laws and are armed only to protect themselves.

If you don’t like guns, don’t own one, but if you think gun laws of any kind will stop or even slow down gun violence you’re an idiot!

Banning assault rifles?

Assault weapons are statistically less dangerous than bathtubs, buckets, cars and thousands of other items you find in a home every day.

Tom “Road” Blair

Website: www.tomroadblair.com

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