I Like Animals too


I Like Animals too

“It’s springtime, time for Fido to be turned loose and let the cats run outside” Wait a minute…Where are all my squirrels? Where are my neighbor’s rabbits? What happened to all the little birds? I have heard a number of people ask questions like that recently and think I have the answer: In a cats stomach somewhere.

We had a “Mouser” named Sammy, who helped us do a little animal control when we had our home and it got to be a problem feeding him… cause EVERY night there are several other cats coming to our place to eat Sammy’s food! We saw them on our security cameras all the time, so… we had to take the cat food inside every night.

We’ve had several dogs come over for dinner too. I am supposed to be careful here, because many people who don’t even take care of their kids scream bloody murder if you pick on their pets.

I like dogs, cats, squirrels, rabbits and birds…my own that is. Why don’t people keep their own animals under control and at their OWN home? Simple answer: Because they are inconsiderate of other people! Teach your pet to stay home, eat their own food, crap in their own yard and not bother other people or animals. Doesn’t that make sense?

In some communities, (City and rural) people get hostile because someone starts shooting stray cats or dogs and it’s a shame that happens. They don’t hunt the animals down in the owner’s yards; they do it on their yards, neighborhoods or property.

Some people just don’t take care of their pets. So what’s wrong with that? Animals can carry and contact rabies and other diseases that can be spread when they run wild. Kids or adults get mauled, pet animals get hurt or killed and property damage can result too. Not to mention the piles of doo-doo dropped on other people’s property. (Roaming cats and dogs do damage to wildlife) It seems that the ones who are offended the most by talking about controlling pets are usually the ones who are the biggest offenders.

Inconsiderate? Darn right! And having 2 or 3 dogs in town, in a pen or tied up…barking at everything that moves (night or day), same thing. Sure…most neighbors just put up with it, not wanting to start any trouble, but it is sad when a law abiding Mr. Nice Citizen turns into a dog or cat killer because they have reached their limit and succumbed to “Pet rage.” Some people take their pets to the lake, and while they are out fishing or boating, they leave the pet tied up at the cabin so everyone else listens to the barking all day.

Those who take good care of their pets, keep them on their own property and care for them are to be respected and praised. Those who don’t… GET RID OF THEM!


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