Hundreds applaud historian Mark Peihl

Sen. Rob Kupec presented retiring Clay County archivist Mark Peihl with a Senate resolution congratulating him on his service to his community and its story. (Photo/Nancy Hanson.)

Retiring Clay County archivist was greeted by hundreds of friends and fellow historians at a reception celebrating his years of service to Moorhead, Clay County and Minnesota history on Sunday, Feb. 25.
Peihl concludes 38 years of service to the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County on Thursday. He has been part of the county organization since the mid-1980s, when he started working with its collections as a volunteer. He joined the staff full-time in January 1986.
Among those wishing the historian well were HCSCC executive director Maureen Kelly Jonason, board president Jim Steen, former colleague Pam Burkhart, and program director Markus Krueger, who has worked at his side since he joined the society.
District 4 State Sen. Rob Kupec presented Peihl with a resolution passed by the Minnesota Senate congratulating him on “many years of commitment to his community and its history.”

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