Home Cookin’


The recipes the past two weeks have put me in a picnic & party mood. These baked pinto beans are very easy to make and never get mushy like other baked beans. Beans are an excellent source of fiber in the diet and I believe these beans produce less gas; however I have no proof of that. These are my husbands favorite beans and I have been bringing them to pot luck picnics for many years. This recipe can easily be cut in half.

Baked Pinto Beans

2 Pounds dried pinto beans 1 Cup catsup

1 Large onion, chopped 1 Cup brown sugar

1/2 Pound of lean bacon cut up & fried or ham

1 Tablespoon molasses

Salt & pepper to taste

Soak beans several hours or overnight. Drain & rinse, cover with water and bring to boil and cook until done. I never add salt when cooking the beans as they do not get tender. When the beans are done; drain and add

the rest of the ingredients, mix well.

Bake covered at 325 degrees for 2 hours. They can also be placed in a crock pot and cooked on low for several hours. Add a little tomato juice if they seem dry.

questions or comments..marlisz@aol.com

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