
As we all watch the news and read the newspapers, we shake our heads and do nothing but watch our country fall apart. Dang it, I really wanted to write something uplifting this week… but I just can’t help but wonder, what can we low-life peons do to change things in a non-election year?

We watch as third world countries invade our country and threaten to destroy our fragile economy. We watch the Middle East countries fall into the hands of militant, Islamic terrorists who want to destroy the world and anyone who doesn’t believe in their religious beliefs. We can lose an American embassy, lose lives and we are denied the facts about it.

We see the omnipotent IRS abuse its power on the people and watch Republicans and Democrats rave and rant about what to do about it… and they do little to expose the crooks. There is probable cause to have the FBI invade the IRS offices with a ton of agents to confiscate truckloads of computers and files to begin an investigation at the very moment we suspected ANY irregularities.

When one of our Border Patrol Agents was killed with one of MANY weapons we gave the Mexican Drug Cartel…WHY didn’t someone in our leadership have the entire matter brought into the eyes of the public? Why, suddenly… no one in the Federal system knew anything about it, had anything to do with it or did anything about it?

We watch helplessly, while 5 militant terrorists were release in trade for one questionable “left behind” military (possible AWOL) soldier…Bergdahl, while there is a known, fighting Marine Veteran who made an accidental wrong turn across the border, being held prisoner in a Mexican jail. And with little or no help from our government to get him home, he could be incarcerated for years.

We see our bridges and infrastructure in the United States decay, our people succumb to the ravages of drug addiction and our billions and trillions in taxes and lives being spent on wars we can’t win or are not allowed to win.

Many wonder why we have places like Chicago, New York and other big cities that are plagued with extreme gun violence, homicides and robberies… and these are cities with the strictest gun control laws in the nation. The gun control advocates don’t comprehend the phrase “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” And the biggest cause of gun violence in our country involves the “Gang” drug control factor. Violent motorcycle gangs, racial gangs, and mobster gangs? Take away the drugs and you take away the biggest reason for gangs.

The war on drugs has been lost and the politicians’ rarely even mention drugs any more… accept a slight mention or two near election time. That seems to be the ONLY time we hear the great plans on how the candidates are going to “Clean up” the problems and how they are going to have “Transparency” in our government. Yes, where is the transparency we were promised in government leadership? We will continue to be “Helpless” as long as our politicians, who are supposed to be doing things for our best interest…are too busy blaming each other to solve anything.

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