by Tom Blair
My friends and fans tell me I should write more about happy things, and be more positive, instead of complaining about the way things are. I should look at the good side of people instead of the bad. I can do that.
I am glad there are still people left in the world who will stand up for their rights and for the guarantees the Constitution provides us with. It’s somewhat comforting to know that there are some people left who are not saying “The government can listen in on any of my phone calls and e-mails, because I have nothing to hide” or “They can search my car and home anytime; I haven’t done anything wrong”
I can be positive too. I am positive that the decaying morals of our society have almost reached the bottom, but I am happy that there are still honest people in the world, people with work ethics, real family values and the desire to make our world better.
I am elated that the streets of America are not war-torn, riddled with bodies, and nearly demolished from bombs and military action like so many countries. I think countries such as China, Russia and Korea, and those in the Mid East, are not really doing everything they can to destroy us, because they are just sitting back with smiles on their faces, knowing that we are destroying our own nation morally and financially by our own corrupt leaders. Again, I am positive.
I am also glad I don’t have to start raising a family in a day when it is financially almost impossible for Mom to stay at home if she wants, and be with the kids when they come home from school. I’m happy that I got to enjoy the “family TV” era, when we watched the Ed Sullivan Show, Red Skelton, Happy Days and Bonanza. We didn’t have commercials about condoms, Kotex and erectile-dysfunction drugs.
I am happy I got to enjoy satellite and cable TV, but I’m sure glad it wasn’t here when we were raising kids. My wife and I sometimes drop our jaws and stare at each other when someone like Eddie Murphy or the new celebrity roasts come on. It takes a few minutes of shock before you can switch channels, because there is not a sick, perverted, or filthy word in our language that isn’t spared in this so-called “comedy.” I am positive again – positive that we don’t need it and that that wasn’t what the founding fathers meant when they talked about free speech.
It is somewhat of a comfort and it makes me happy to know that there are people who have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and say that gay marriage is immoral and homosexuality is still a form of perversion. Many of these people also stand up for the rights of the unborn.
Yes, I can be positive and happy! I am positive that there will eventually be an end to private ownership of guns, and there will be so many cameras, drones and spy devices that a farmer won’t be able to pee on a tractor tire while he’s doing the spring planting.
I am positive that our Constitution will be watered down to nothing or rewritten in the very near future, because there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to fight for their rights, just as there are fewer people paying taxes every year and more people feeding off the system.
And finally … I am happy I will not be around 10 or 20 years from now (if this system of things lasts that long). Of that, I am positive!
Ramblin Road’s BIG moving Garage Sale Friday and Saturday,
June 21st & 22nd 9:00 AM to 4 PM 3220 12th Ave North, Fargo
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com