Gun Update

TomB column 3-29-12.psd

by Tom Blair

Note: This was written before the latest school shooting, but the facts remain.

I am sure the current administration will try to run through some strict gun control legislation through this term. However, it ain’t gonna be any easier and probably a lot harder this time around. Because now millions more have gone to concealed carry permits, family sport shooting, and “packin” handguns in cars and homes. Yes, little old ladies, moms and entire families have begun to feel more secure having a little protection.

In the past few years more states have passed concealed carry laws All 50 states now have laws allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms in public, either without a permit or after obtaining a permit from local government and/or law enforcement.

Every time there are people shot, many jump up and start yelling to “outlaw guns” yet in Chicago where some of the toughest gun laws exist there’s been approx. 2,500 shootings with 500 homicides so far THIS YEAR. (more than any mass shootings.)

Some want to outlaw gun shows. How many mass shootings have occurred at gun shows? ZERO! Besides, there are millions of folks buying at gun shows for legitimate sporting and protection reasons. Not to mention the MILLIONS of people who have used or displayed their firearm to protect themselves from harm.

There are still some laws against having a gun on campus, near a school or political events, (where many shootings occur.) It’s against the law to shoot someone anyway; so do you think a person who is bent on shooting a bunch of people will not go to one of these places to do their shooting because it’s against the law to have a gun there? Maybe they should place some signs where guns are prohibited. ”NO WEAPONS ALLOWED, attention criminals, this is a defense free crime area, all law abiding citizens have been disarmed for your convenience”

For those who keep hearing the words “Assault Weapon” let me explain to you what an assault weapon is. Dang near anything. As a matter of fact a typical Browning 12 gauge semi-automatic hunting shotgun (if ever used by a mass shooter) would be well considered an assault weapon. If I remember correctly, a 3-inch magnum shell of #4 buck shell (pellets) will hold 41 .22 caliber size pellets.

Take the plug out of the magazine and have maybe 5 or 6 shots?

Six shots, as fast as you can pull the trigger. Thats like shooting a .22 caliber 246 times in TWO SECONDS. That’s an assault weapon!

The National Self-Defense Survey indicated that there were 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use per year in the U.S. during the 1988-1993 period. Can you imagine what it is today?

We are by nature a violent society, our own government is at war most of the time and our children watch violence in movies and on the TV news daily.

We don’t need more laws; we need more prisons where violent offenders, predators, murderers and those who hurt people STAY there till their long term has been served or the rest of their life, and finally, more facilities to treat and recognize mental health issues.

It may sound like something Larry the cable guy would say, but if more sane people were armed, the less shots the crazy people will get off.

Tom “Road” Blair


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