Greetings fellow Americans

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

On Monday April 15th the United Patriotic bodies hosted a Patriots day celebration at the Air Museum. For those that haven’t heard of it, Patriots day is a day to recognize the battles and Lexington and Concord, “the shot heard ‘round the world and start of the American revolution. Coincidently April is also volunteer month. How are those two things so connected? Volunteers of course and the spirit of America being steeped in a volunteer attitude. Where am I going with this?
Our “minute man” militias were all volunteers, picking up their rifles and leaving their plows, to stand up to tyranny. They were willing to give up everything for the freedoms we enjoy today. Today’s military is an all-volunteer force. The draft ended in 1973. So since then it has been all volunteer. Young men and women from all creeds and colors joining to serve our great country. Coming together to protect our national interests at home and abroad. Lately there has been a drop in young people signing up for the military and even those who are interested only a select few are accepted. Why are the numbers down? That is a very difficult question to answer. Should we bring back the draft? I cannot answer that because I have no direct knowledge of how the services were during the draft. We would have to refer to the historical aspect of it. And certainly a topic for the future.
In closing I would like to encourage everyone to commit to some type of volunteer project in your community. There are countless organizations seeking volunteers and it really feels good to give back to your community. And in these times of so much division in our country, it is imperative that we remember those who came before and were willing to give up everything voluntarily, so that we could have a country. God bless America.

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