Great things are happening


A new dock and boat launch provide easier access to the Red River. Funding for the project was provided by the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission through the MN Clean Water, Land and Legacy Parks and Trails Fund.

Prairie plantings are blooming by the park entrance, by the pond near the small shelter, and along the sidewalk toward the west end of the park. These plantings are excellent habitat for local pollinators. This project is a collaboration among the City of Moorhead, Wildlife Forever, the United Prairie Foundation, and Resilient Moorhead. A MN Department of Natural Resources Conservation Partners Legacy Grant and a Bush Foundation Community Innovation grant held by Concordia College provided the funding for the plantings.

The Food Forest is starting to produce fruit in the berry patches. Watch from mid-August through September for maturing aronia berries. The public is invited to harvest berries on a first-come, first-served basis. As the plants continue to mature, there will be more varieties available. In May 2021, the City of Moorhead, Resilient Moorhead and River Keepers organized planting of 100 fruit trees as well as berry patches. The plants and equipment were funded by a Bush Foundation Community Innovation grant held by Concordia College. 

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