Got Smarts


and Talent?

Not to be bragging, but I have had a lot of people tell me I am very talented and can do a lot of things.

Well… let me share with my loyal readers a secret or two. It may sound a little complicated at first, but everyone has smarts and can do better.

When you are talking to people in person, on the phone, on radio, or before a group, you must remember, the listeners can sense if you are not enthusiastic or sincere… and they “think” they can tell if you’re talented or smart. You cannot sell others, until you sell yourself… and to sell yourself, you must have confidence in your abilities (or APPEAR confident).

Most people feel insecure at times, and even feel inferior in areas. You have a talent… everyone has one or more areas of talent that haven’t been tapped. You can learn to develop these talents. You just have to give your body and mind a chance to see what it can do. Take your mind and body where it can explore!

I remember watching a nice little guy (named Bob) painting beautiful pictures on TV every week. I was glued to the tube and fascinated by what he could do (and wished I could do it) and I finally made a move. I bought some paint and brushes, recorded his program, and played it back. (Stopping many times) and doing exactly what he was doing. I painted a mountain scene and my picture turned out beautiful! Some people looked at my painting and said they thought I had some real talent.

I don’t have art talent, but that’s not important, it is ONLY IMPORTANT that someone else thought I had real talent. GET IT? How talented or smart you are isn’t really what counts in life. It is how talented and smart you can make others believe you are.

If you were a genius… and no one knew it, it would et you NOTHING! See what I mean? Work on learning a little about everything, then when you are with people and they are talking about things, you will be able to slip into any conversation. You don’t have to say a lot… just one or two well thought out comments. They will “think” you are smart or educated. How smart you are isn’t as important, it’s how smart others “think” you are that counts.

People like to be with “smart” and talented people and they like to hire smart people, so if you aren’t smart or talented, remember: It’s easier to learn to “appear” to be smart than become smart. Once you start trying to appear smarter… you will just automatically BECOME smarter.

I hope this helps you, especially if you want to get ahead and be a happier person.

Tom “RoadRunner” Blair


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