Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?


Living in an apartment building is wonderful for many reasons. For instance, you will never have to fork over the expense of putting on a new roof. Your appliances will be fixed by someone else. The lawn care, driveway and sidewalks are in tip-top shape at all times with no effort on your part. You are free to leave at the end of your lease period. Water, heat and garbage are often included in your rent. Best of all, it gives you the opportunity to meet new people more often than if you owned a home, in most cases, as people arent tethered to a property because of a mortgage. I pick renting over owning any day! While renting and owning are different, they do have some similarities. Most of the etiquette is the same… except magnified. Due to the close proximity of your neighbors, it is necessary to be even more conscious of your actions and how they affect others around you. Recently, I had two separate neighbors move into my apartment building. As people are, they differ a great deal from each other. One is very neat and kind to everyone. The other is messy and rude. Being a good neighbor is important! Here is the breakdown of apartment living etiquette for those who are not familiar with the standards…

Shared laundry facilities:

It is respectful to leave the laundry facilities in clean and orderly condition.

1. Clean the lint trap. Others do not want to touch your gross clothing-left-behinds.

2. Use your own soap and dryer sheets. If you use your neighbors, it is called stealing.

3. Clean up soap spills and sweep the floor, if needed. It is really unpleasant finding blue streaks and splatters of soap on washers, driers, walls and floors.

4. Turn the lights off when leaving the laundry room. This is a biggy if your building is not maintained weekly. Have you ever done laundry in the dark? It isnt fun.


1. It is appreciated by all neighbors if noises start to die down at 10pm. No one wants to hear loud talking and running children beyond this hour.

2. Dont leave your garbage out in the hall. Gross.

3. Dont leave personal items in the hall. It makes it look cluttered and ghetto-ish.


1. Keep your garage door closed. No one wants to see how much stuff you have in your garage. Most people care about how their neighborhood looks. Be respectful of that.

2. Report any damage or unsightly issues you may have, so it can be fixed by maintenance staff.

Balcony or patio:

1. For Heavens sake, clean it up! This is an area for you to enjoy outdoor spaces, but dont make it look like a dump or a zoo.

2. Keep only small plants, chairs, a grill and maybe a small -removable- clothing line to dry clothing on the balcony. Remove the clothing line immediately after use.

3. Be sure your cigarettes are put out, and dont throw them over into the yard or parking lot.

Talk to your neighbors:

1. If you have complaints about a neighbor, be sure to speak to them about it. Dont ignore it it wont go away. Be friendly and understanding. Offer solutions in a positive way.

2. If you are the neighbor inadvertently causing issues, apologize without becoming defensive, offer solutions, and change.

3. Tell your neighbors when you will be gone on vacation and if anyone will be staying in your apartment while you are gone. If you dont speak to your neighbors, they will notice something is different and become concerned.

4. Dont start or take part in apartment community gossip. It leads to drama and will always cause hurt feelings. From grade school experience, we all know what gossip can do, and it is almost always untrue.

Apartment living isnt always a choice. Due to the economy, there are many people who have lost their homes. Some people cannot afford a home or are unable to purchase one for countless reasons. Some are new college students on their own for the first time. But for most, it is a choice. Whatever your reason to rent, do your best to respect your community. Everyone appreciates a good neighbor.

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