Ferhad Mayi of Jeylan’s Sweets sells treats at the Global Market prepared with the help of his 12-year-old daughter. (Photos/ Nancy Hanson.)
Culinary treats and crafts from around the world will be on sale at the Hjemkomst Center during its second Global Market on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Sponsored by the Immigrant Development Center, Inclusive Moorhead and the Indigenous Association, it’s the second of what’s planned as monthly evenst showcasing the global cultures of Moorhead residents to build excitement for the proposed downtown cultural mall.
Seven vendors are expected Tuesday, including Seema Market, Woke Soap, Jeylan’s Sweets, Niimi’idiwag, Tee’s Tacos, Eternal Bloom Blankets and Hannoun Sourdough. Hours are 5 to 7 p.m.
The Global Market coincides with the opening of the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County’s exhibit, “Land to Table: Foods in Clay County.” The exhibition, which will continue through 2026, occupies the Fourth Floor Gallery downstairs. Admission to the reception, as well as the rest of the society’s exhibits, is free that evening.